The Fringe Minority Report #203 National Citizens Inquiry Red Deer

1 year ago

The National Citizens Inquiry testimony of Grace Neustaedter, who has 41 years experience as a nurse and nursing instructor. She has Master degrees in nursing and is internationally known for her work.
At first, she was hopeful for the covid vaccine, but with knowledge from her advanced courses, she knew they weren't following due process with rigorous research and testing before its use. For these reasons, she refused to get the covid vaccine, and this decision started a chain of events that led to her early retirement.
Grace was appalled by the behavior some hospital staff displayed towards the unvaccinated. She couldn't have any discussions because she didn't want to argue with co-workers. It was a toxic environment. Grace was dealing with inner turmoil, anxiety, and mental health stress from the pressure to get vacinnated. Her doctor, realizing she was under extreme stress, put her on medical leave.
It has been the most difficult thing she has faced in all of her career. They refused an exemption for her faith, and that faith is what kept her strong.
Grace describes the day she received an email advising her she was no longer permitted on any Alberta Health properties. On that very same day, she received a package from Alberta Health. It was a plaque honoring her 40 years of excellence and service with Alberta Health. How ironic is that?

The covid restrictions and mandates hurt many Canadians. Please listen to their stories.

All original material was collected from the National Citizens Inquiry site.

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