Are Angels and Demons Real? - How Does the Bible Describe Them?

10 months ago

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Many scientists claim that the only world that exists is the one we can physically see around us--the world detectable by our physical senses or scientific instruments. Others claim that there is another world beyond that--the spirit realm--inhabited by beings called angels and demons.

Are such beings real? What are they like? If God created them, did He create the demons, too? Should we reach out to such beings for help and guidance?

We will address those questions on this episode of Tomorrow’s World. We will also offer you the opportunity to request an exciting DVD, “The Occult and the Spirit World,” completely free of charge.

Are angels and demons real? You need the TRUTH! Stay tuned!

Greetings, and welcome to Tomorrow’s World! I’m glad you’re here.

Today’s topic--the reality of angels and demons--is a vital subject to understand. At the same time, the truth about the spirit realm and the activity in that realm that lies ahead is a far larger topic than we can cover on today’s program. That’s why today we’re offering all of our viewers a free DVD, “The Occult and the Spirit World,” that covers this subject far more thoroughly than we will on today’s program. Be sure to note the contact information you will need to get your copy, as it appears on screen during our program today.

Are angels and demons real? Do they exist? If they do exist, what are they like? If God made the angels, did he make the demons, too? And if so, why?

These questions fascinate many, and there are answers!

On one side of these questions, there are those who say that there is nothing that exists beyond the physical world of the senses--what you can see, hear, touch, and taste. To such people, angels and demons are harmless fantasies, like unicorns or fairies. On the other side, there are those obsessed with the spirit realm, seeking out suppose spirit guides and striving to personally communicate with their supposed angelic guardians. They often decorate their homes with images meant to depict angels or other spiritual entities.

Between the two sides, there is the TRUTH, which is the Bible. God does’t leave us to wonder about such things in ignorance, but, instead, reveals the spirit realm to our understanding. Those who are consumed with the philosophy of “scientism”--who believe that the only reality that exists is that which they can physically touch and handle--are ignorant of what their Creator reveals about the world! Yet, too, those who are obsessed with the spirit realm and the beings who inhabit it also frequently violate God’s own commands about that realm!

Today, we will explore the reality of angels and demons in the world, and we will do so with the BIBLE--God’s own word. And I challenge those of you watching today: Be open minded to what GOD has to say about the subject. It may surprise you! Don’t take our word for what we say--look up what we say in your own Bible. Because God reveals that the spirit realm is VERY real! And its reality does impact us on a daily basis, though not in the ways that many assume.

Do angels and demons exist? What are they like? Where do they come from?

If we are going to answer these questions about a realm we cannot normally see or hear or touch, we MUST rely on God’s word.

We are very much in the same position as Elisha’s servant in 2 Kings chapter 6. The ancient prophet Elisha was surrounded by an army sent by the king of Syria to arrest him, and his servant was terrified--yet Elisha was unfazed: calm, cool, and collected. He sought to comfort his servant, and starting in verse 16, we read that he says,

“‘Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’ And Elisha prayed, and said, ‘LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.’ Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

Elisha did not have to see with his eyes: He knew, in faith, that it was not a matter of the terrible army of Syria versus these lonely and defenseless two men. He knew that they were protected by the invisible, angelic army of the LORD--beings of flame and fire, invisible to human eyes, yet always present and ready to intervene and protect at the command of God on behalf of those who are His.

Yes, the spirit realm is very real!

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