Dr. Amerling, Dr. Thorp & Dr. Trozzi - “Vaccine” shedding in schools

10 months ago

Aug 14, 2023
Source: www.rumble.com/v37gqtu-vaccine-shedding-in-schools-drs-amerling-thorp-and-trozzi.html

Doctors Amerling, Thorp and Trozzi discuss "vaccine" shedding, a fast-approaching return to school, and strategies for our children's survival and well-being.
On August 7th 2023, Sunit Suchdev and The Wellness Company hosted this experts' discussion regarding threats and solutions for children. We are living in strange and dangerous times; plus a new school year is fast approaching.
Here is a one hour audio recording rich with honest expert advice for parents, grand-parents and others concerned about children's safety and well being.
Internal medicine and nephrology specialist Dr Richard Amerling; obstetrician, gynecologist, and maternal-fetal medicine specialist Dr James Thorp; and emergency physician, activist, and researcher Dr Mark Trozzi, discuss covid-19 injections, vaccines, medical-exemptions, spike protein shedding, the risk of genetic transfection from injected teachers and peers, and other current serious dangers that threaten our children's well being and survival.

1. Dr Richard Amerling. Internal Medicine Specialist, Nephrologist, Chief Aademic Officer of The Wellness Company https://www.twc.health/pages/dr-richard-amerling
2. Dr James Thorpe. Obstetrician, Gynecologist, and Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist and Researcher https://totalityofevidence.com/dr-james-thorp/
3. Dr Mark Trozzi. Emergency Physician, Researcher, Activist, Steering Committee Member of The World Council For Health https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/about/#steering-commitee
4. Sunit Suchdev, DIrector of Communications for The Wellness Company https://www.twc.health/pages/leadership

Links and related material:

Global Child Alert from the World Council For Health. April 29, 2023. Warning: WHO's post-plandemic "Big Catch Up" vaccine program. Immunization Agenda 2030. Plus a brief look at 100 years of evidence against vaccines. https://drtrozzi.org/2023/04/29/global-child-alert-from-the-world-council-for-health/

The Wellness Company Canada Website: https://twccanada.health/

The Wellness Company USA Website https://www.twc.health/

The Wellness Company on twitter https://twitter.com/twc_health

The Wellness Company's spike support formula https://twccanada.health/collections/best-sellers/products/long-haul-formula

The Wellness Company's Spike Support Formula for children coming soon (August 15th) Canada https://twccanada.health/collections USA https://www.twc.health/collections/kids-wellness

Dr Richard Amerling https://twitter.com/dramerling

Dr James Thorpe. Covid shots make Thalidomide look like Flintstone Vitamins. July 27, 2022. Obstetrician, Gynecologist, and Researcher Dr Thorp is sounding the alarm. https://drtrozzi.org/2022/07/27/covid-shots-make-thalidomide-look-like-flintstone-vitamins/

Dr Mark Trozzi www.drtrozzi.org

The World Council For Health www.worldcouncilforhealth.org

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