Once upon a time in Lāhainā Maui Hawaii video

1 year ago

Once upon a time in Lāhainā Maui Hawaii video 從前在夏威夷毛伊島拉海納視頻:

Once known as Lele, which means “relentless sun” in Hawaiian, Lāhainā is a historic town that has been transformed into a Maui hotspot with dozens of art galleries and a variety of unique shops and restaurants. 拉海納(Lāhainā) 曾被稱為Lele,在夏威夷語中意為“無情的陽光”,是一座歷史悠久的小鎮,現已轉變為茂宜島的熱門景點,擁有數十家藝術畫廊以及各種獨特的商店和餐廳.

Once the capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom before US illegally overthrow the Kingdom in the early nineteenth century, Lāhainā was also a historic whaling village during the whaling boom of the mid-1800s. Up to 1,500 sailors from as many as 400 ships took leave in Lāhainā, including Herman Melville, who immortalized the era in his classic novel Moby Dick. 拉海納曾是夏威夷王國的首都,在 19 世紀初美國非法推翻該王國之前,拉海納在 1800 年代中期捕鯨熱潮期間也是一個歷史悠久的捕鯨村莊。 來自多達 400 艘船隻的 1,500 名水手在拉海納告別,其中包括赫爾曼·梅爾維爾 (Herman Melville),他在其經典小說《白鯨記》中使這個時代永垂不朽.

Today, Lāhainā is on the National Register of Historic Places. You can still get a feel for old Lāhainā as you stroll down lively Front Street, ranked one of the “Top Ten Greatest Streets” by the American Planning Association. Visit historic stops like the U.S. Seamen’s Hospital, Hale Paʻahao (Lāhainā Prison), the Pioneer Inn, Maui’s oldest living banyan tree and other sites on the Lāhainā Historic Trail. 如今,拉海納已被列入國家歷史名勝名錄。 當您漫步在被美國規劃協會評為“十大最偉大街道”之一的熱鬧的前街時,您仍然可以感受到古老的拉海納。 參觀歷史悠久的站點,如美國海員醫院、Hale Pa´ahao(拉海納監獄)、先鋒旅館、毛伊島現存最古老的榕樹以及拉海納歷史步道上的其他景點.

Approximately 55 acres of old Lāhainā have been set aside as historic districts. 大約 55 英畝的老拉海納已被劃為歷史街區.

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