叛逆者思維 Perceptions of A Renegade Mind

1 year ago

「人類如此被受控制的原因並不是我們沒有力量決定自己的命運,而是在生命中的每一刻我們選擇放棄自己的力量。 當發生令人不開心的事情時,我們會尋找需要被指責的對象。 當世界出現問題時,我們會『尋求當權者採取措施』。 在此刻,這些製造問題的幕後推手,他們首先秘密地製造了這些問題,再藉由引入『解決方案』來回應人民的要求,這過程因此讓他們更加極權,人民自由因此受到侵犯。 當在上位者想讓警察、安全機構和軍隊擁有更多權力,並且期望民眾也如此要求,那麼更多的犯罪、暴力和恐怖主義,將能輕易幫助他們達成目地。 一旦人們害怕被盜竊、搶劫或轟炸,群眾就會要求當權者剝奪他們的自由,以保護他們免受被刻意操縱出來的恐懼所威脅。 俄克拉荷馬州爆炸案就是運用相同的典型手法,我在《And The Truth Shall Set You Free》書中有詳述,並稱這種手法叫做『製造問題-出現反應-提出解決方案』(Problem-Reaction-Solution)。

首先製造問題,鼓勵民眾對當權者做出『必須做點什麼』的反應,然後當權者提供解決方案。 共濟會的座右銘『Ordo Ab Chao』概括了這個理念——混亂中的秩序。 先製造混亂,然後提供恢復秩序的方法:服從當權者下達的指令。 群眾就像羊群,而且會受到各種形式的情感和精神上的操控,這也是人類如此被受控制的原因。」


“The reason we are so controlled is not that we don't have the power to decide our own destiny, it is that we give that power away every minute of our lives. When something happens that we don't like, we look for someone else to blame. When there is a problem in the world, we say "What are they going to do about it". At which point they, who have secretly created the problem in the first place, respond to this demand by introducing a 'solution' - more centralization of power and erosion of freedom. If you want to give more powers to the police, security agencies and military, and you want the public to demand you do it, then ensure there is more crime, violence and terrorism, and then it's a cinch to achieve your aims. Once the people are in fear of being burgled, mugged or bombed, they will demand that you take their freedom away to protect them from what they have been manipulated to fear. The Oklahoma bombing is a classic of this kind, as I detail in ..And The Truth Shall Set You Free. I call this technique problem-reaction-solution.

Create the problem, encourage the reaction "something must be done", and then offer the solution. It is summed up by the Freemason motto 'Ordo Ab Chao' -order out of chaos. Create the chaos and then offer the way to restore order. Your order. The masses are herded and directed by many and various forms of emotional and mental control. It is the only way it could be done.”

― David Icke


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