A Chinese woman worker begs her boss for her income

11 months ago

8/16/2023 The economy of Communist China is failing, with an increasing number of unemployed individuals. As shown in an online video, a well-known real estate agent in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, owes salaries to a woman worker who, in despair, begged her boss for her income, crying that she could no longer afford to pay her children's tuition fees and meals.
#CCP #realestate #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/16/2023 中共国经济每况愈下,失业者越来越多。网传视频显示,广东省广州市的某知名房产中介欠薪,女员工绝望下向老板讨薪,哭诉已交不起孩子学费和伙食费
#中共 #房地产 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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