BFGC - Aug 13, 2023 Prophecy Details C

10 months ago

In this third part of our Prophecy Details study, we discuss the end time prince that makes a covenant with many, which allows the people of Israel to build a third holy place in the city of Jerusalem. The man of lawlessness will lead the people of Israel into a covenant of death, when they are deceived into thinking it will lead to peace and safety. We touch on the topic of the red heifer burnt sacrifice on the Mount of Olives that is nearing and that most Israelis and even Bible believers have no idea what that process means for Bible prophecy. The temple abomination that many Israeli people will support, the division of the temple mount against God's Bible warnings, and the covenant that is signed with the enemies of Yehovah seeking peace and safety, will all lead to the destruction and desolation of Jerusalem by the Power of God. Those that are watching and paying attention when the abomination occurs, will flee into the desert and be protected by God during the Time of Jacob's Trouble.

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