Evidence of a Crime Committed Against the Citizens of Shasta County

11 months ago

A comparison of CVR data to Early Votes, Election Day, and Post Election do not add up. The Cast Vote Record is generated by the Dominion machine during the length of the election and was designed as an auditing tool to see the ballots as they are cast from start to finish. Furthermore the variation between election day and post election is small (less than 5%) in historical data. However what we see in the ROV's election is a 20% drop in Cathy Allen's opponent's percentage.

Further evidence of a crime committed against the people rests in the tabulator data. Tabulator "ICE3" shows a stunning drop of 30% compared to two other tabulators.

All of the data presented was generated by Cathy Allen herself.
This data shows us that we have been told an egregious lie (or more accurately we've been told multiple lies as these disparate data illustrate).

A crime has been committed against the citizens of Shasta County. The same pattern illustrated in Cathy Allen's race can be seen in the other races that she oversaw June of 2022 (DA, sheriff, and superintendent of schools races-see previous videos).

For more information about Cast Vote records see: https://sites.google.com/view/shasta-citizen-news/team?authuser=0

Local election fraud: www.shastaelectionnews.org

FingerprintsofFraud.com (Nationwide Fraud)

Video recorded 8-15-23

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