Pink Floyd’s Sheep & The Other Sheep

1 year ago

Pink Floyd’s Sheep & The Other Sheep

About Pink Floyd’s Sheep
Along with pigs and dogs, sheep are one of three animals represented on the album.

The sheep represents the mindless people who follow the herd.

Pink Floyd started performing this in 1974. It was known as "Raving And Drooling," but was changed to fit the animal theme of the album.

Today we’re talking about SHEEP
& How Khazarian Mafia View Huemanity, Adam’s Seed.

As a black bellwether mutton (it, tHem, tHey, has black wool and is a leader of the sheep to the slaughter).

To the descendants of Cain, I am told, we act and look like sheep.

To throw a sheep eye. Defined as a secretive, a pinning look, or a humble doting glance.

Pupil of a sheep eye

A Bellwether (a leader among sheep).

Black Sheep, a standout in the flock but their wool is worthless as it will not accept a dye, sometimes worth more dead than alive

a Ewe (a mature female sheep)

a Gummer (a mature ewe who has outlived its usefulness, worn her teeth down)

a Mutton, (a castrated male, a transgender, it tHey tHem)

a Ram (the alpha male, a general, sometimes a politician, on occasion called by the moniker, with affection, Nuts)

Shearlings (yearly wool clippings, middle class, tax slaves, remove kits soon after weaning.)

Whether Lambs (lambs bred for shows which emphasize carcass quality, who are actors, actresses, politicians, musicians)

Men shear the sheep. All who chew the cud may be eaten except the rabbit.
Reference Leviticus 11:6

We’re talking about how the Cabalist, the Canaanite Vampires, the Chimera, the Deep State actors see Huemanity.

From each of these, of the above classifications of sheep may be eaten, milked (sales taxes, fees and fines) yearly sheared (IRS yearly voluntary donations), tanned (imprisoned as corporal punishment), used as drugs (adrenochrome) toyed with for pleasure (sexual gratification) until dead.

New born lambs, or kits. Tales and castrations occur while Lambs are suckling.

The value of the Hueman by the Chimera, the Canaanite Vampires, is derived from the hueman, what may it be used for, and what may be consumed of the Hueman.

They look at us as live stock; on the hoof or swinging from the meat hook.

Baby Hueman Meat Project

Sheep Media
Bleating Out The Corporate SPELLS
The Mirror Image Of Christ
With all my faults, failures and foibles which are evident to others; I am the best reflection I know how to manifest of Jesus the Christ Consciousness.

To others I may even look as if I am in a house of distorted mirrors.

I am embarrassed that others may view me in such a condition.

As I am doing my best to clean the smudges off the surfaces, adjusting the mirrors.

Just about the time I’m satisfied with my reflection of the Christ.

I find I have been standing to near to the glass and have fogged the reflection again.
1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Be encouraged my friends, your faults are only visible if I am looking for them.

I am to busy with my reflection of the Christ to be concerned with yours; at least that’s the way it should be.
Some of you will lose your head, but don’t lose your heart.

Your heart will lead you back home.
God’s love for you will endure.

When you are lost and alone.
God’s love is near you.

Will the Shepherd leave the ninty and nine to go to search for you?

I am assured, Jesus the Shepherd is looking for you.
Ewe may even be bleating, as sheeple are want to do.

Luke 15:3-7
So he told them a parable
The lamb who went astray

If you went astray, give one last cry. The Saviour is here for you to pick you up and secret you away. Try it NOW.

Then to take you to our nearest galaxy neighbors –Our shepherd will boast. “See I have them all –

Rejoice with me!
I have all 0f them who were given me!
I did not lose one! Hallelujah!
To God Be The Glory!

You may say a loud Hallelujah
Hosanna in the highest realms.

Follow the upward pull
John 10:16

The Other Sheep
From this one verse set afire several generations of “missionaries” to go to the unchurched nations around the world.

The Nineteenth Century and the first half of the Twentieth Century literally saw thousands of young Christian couples, from every evangelical denomination, go to non-Christian nations to show and tell the Gospel.

Most were sincere, and many lost their lives.
As Darlene Rose and her husband were one of the couples who gave their lives for the furtherance of the Gospel.

If you have not heard her powerful story.

Darlene’s story, is in two parts, on a recording in the description box.
The thought was, when the Worldwide had heard the Gospel, then Jesus would return.

This verse may again ignite a missionary zeal, in the later part of the Twenty-First Century. To realms yet unknown!
Now that I have convinced you, you are lamb, now I want to convert you into Lion.

How Stop Being A Sheep
Psalm 118:6

How to stop being a Sheep
Stop being afraid of people and what tHey may say about you or do to you.
Because tHey will say whatever occurs to them. tHey will also create new was to torture you, even so – be a Lion.

Be an outsider, stop running with the heard!

Eight Possible Communications
1. What I think I said.
2. What I actually said.
3. What I meant by what I said.
4. What you actually heard.
5. What you think I said.
6. What you think I meant by I said.
7. What tHey said you said.
8. What you wished you had said.
The first six can be found on the internet. The last two I added after a bitter experience.

Yes, ⚡️Bolt of Lightning⚡️, people are going to lie about you.
Get over it.

The antidote to lies is a upright life.

The counteract agent is to live the life of a lion.

I know the corporate world is; how well do ewe fit in with the Team.
If people think poorly of you, you won’t get promoted.
You may not and God may have a different path for you.

A Short Story
Of the Donkey and the Tiger

Christopher Walken
The Lion Story

I heard it a slightly different way. Sometimes the lion has to kill a chicken to scold the monkeys.
The character masks, we’re on our fourth character playing Biden. And the clones of some politicians and actors keep the sheeple from awakening to the truth.

The real Bill Gates was executed in India in 2013.


The Lion Is Roaring

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep;
I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.
~ Alexander the Great

I once had a hypothesis back in the middle 70’s. The biggest sin is to forget who we are.
I didn’t have much information to work with so the thought just lingered, until today.

Are we such Sheeple that we are going to let this go on

Signs of a high vibrational person

So how do we become a Lion? No better place to find the answers than to turn to God’s instruction manual.

Christian Home Schoolers have been learning character building lessons, like this, every day in school.
Not so much in public school. They have been learning what gender is best, according to their teacher.

I know of parents, who in 1955, saw the disastrous trend of Public Schools. They started homeschooling their kids then. There are three generations in families who have never darkened a Rockefeller Public School door.
How to become a Lion in a world of sheep and lizards.
The word ‘Lion’ only occurs twice in the 28th Proverb. What is implied; is the wiseman is wise, because he has comprehension, knowing, grounded on moral precepts, seeks God to fully comprehend God’s Will, has integrity, fears no man,
has God given discernment, and has faith in and reverence toward God — This is a Lion!

We are moving into the Humanitarian Age. Some call it the Golden Age, because our commerce, our word, our trust and perception will be weighed in Gold.

The New Earth, is the era of lifting people out misery, consoling the broken hearted, leading many others in faith and good works.

We will be living in the Messianic Days, of a 1000 years of peace and goodwill to men on Earth!

Luke 4:18-19
Amplified Bible
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me (the Messiah),
Because He has anointed Me to preach the good news to the poor.
He has sent Me to announce release (pardon, forgiveness) to the captives,
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are oppressed (downtrodden, bruised, crushed by tragedy),

19 to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord [the day when salvation and the favor of God abound greatly].”
Well I say Glory be to God!
Sorry I got sidetracked.
As with most Proverbs, the teaching comes in contrasts; Instructions and warnings.

Proverbs 28
Amplified Bible
The wicked flee when no one pursues them,
But the righteous are as bold as a lion.

2 When a land does wrong, it has many princes,
But when the ruler is a man of understanding and knowledge, its stability endures.

3 A poor man who oppresses and exploits the lowly
Is like a sweeping rain which leaves no food.

4 Those who [a]set aside the law [of God and man] praise the wicked,
But those who keep the law [of God and man] struggle with them.

5 Evil men do not understand justice,
But they who long for and seek the Lord understand it fully.

6 Better is the poor who walks in his integrity
Than he who is crooked and-two-faced though he is rich.

7 He who keeps the law [of God and man] is a wise and-discerning son,
But he who is a companion of gluttons humiliates his father [and himself].

8 He who increases his wealth by interest and usury (excessive interest)
Gathers it for him who is gracious to the poor.

9 He who turns his ear away from listening to the law [of God and man],
Even his prayer is repulsive [to God].

10 He who leads the upright astray on an evil path
Will himself fall into his own pit,
But the blameless will inherit good.

11 The rich man [who is conceited and relies on his wealth instead of God] is wise in his own eyes,
But the poor man who has understanding [because he relies on God] is able to see through him.

12 When the righteous triumph, there is great glory and-celebration;
But when the wicked rise [to prominence], men hide themselves.

13 He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper,
But whoever confesses and [b]turns away from his sins will find compassion and mercy.

14 Blessed and favored by God is the man who fears [sin and its consequence] at all times,
But he who hardens his heart [and is determined to sin] will fall into disaster.

15 Like a roaring lion and a charging bear
Is a wicked ruler over a poor people.

16 A leader who is a great oppressor lacks understanding and common sense [and his wickedness shortens his days],
But he who hates unjust gain will [be blessed and] prolong his days.

17 A man who is burdened with the guilt of human blood (murder)
Will be a fugitive until death; let no one support him or give him refuge.

18 He who walks blamelessly and uprightly will be kept safe,
But he who is crooked (perverse) will suddenly fall.

19 He who cultivates his land will have plenty of bread,
But he who follows worthless people and frivolous pursuits will have plenty of poverty.

20 A faithful (right-minded) man will abound with blessings,
But he who hurries to be rich will not go unpunished.

21 To have regard for one person over another and to show favoritism is not good,
Because for a piece of bread a man will transgress.

22 He who has an evil and envious eye hurries to be rich
And does not know that poverty will come upon him.

23 He who [appropriately] reprimands a [wise] man will afterward find more favor
Than he who flatters with the tongue.

24 He who robs his father or his mother
And says, “This is no sin,”
Is [not only a thief but also] the companion of a man who destroys.

25 An arrogant and greedy man stirs up strife,
But he who trusts in the Lord will be blessed and prosper.

26 He who trusts confidently in his own heart is a [dull, thickheaded] fool,
But he who walks in [skillful and godly] wisdom will be rescued.

27 He who gives to the poor will never want,
But he who shuts his eyes [from their need] will have many curses.

28 When the wicked rise [to power], men hide themselves;
But when the wicked perish, the [consistently] righteous increase and become great.
Sister Rosette Tharpe
I Thank God For My Song
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The sheep have awakened, come to be aware, of an impending doom. Now watch the anxiety go up!
Executive Orders plus
Trumps Executive Orders
These all will become important in the coming days and weeks.
Love – Hate Experiment
Best in week
Best In Representing Reality
Best In Presidential Indictments
If you only knew how bad it is
Sins Will Not Be Hidden
Isaiah 55:6-7
Amplified Bible
6 Seek the Lord while He may be found;
Call on Him [for salvation] while He is near.

7 Let the wicked leave (behind) his way
And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
And let him return to the Lord,
And He will have compassion (mercy) on him,
And to our God,
For He will abundantly pardon.
What can I do Australia

News of battle in 22 time zones

Depopulation Agenda

Amidst the Storm: Hold on to Faith, Hope, and Courage 🌪🛡

Willie Nelson & Sinéad O'Connor –
Don't Give Up
The historical context of Nelson choosing to record this particular song with O’Connor when she had essentially been blackballed should be noted. For me, it’s not about comparing it to the original recording, but about one rebel reaching out to another and sending out a message both of solidarity and resilience.
Trump Said He’d Return On August 28
Now, who was that message for?
Trump Saved The USA - Forgiato Blow "Official 2024 Trump Rally Anthem"
Week in review.
Two great insightful interviews

Episode 58
SG Anon discusses information regarding Trump's PA Rally on 7/29, US_Mil Warning of coming attack prior to Maui fires, the fires themselves, and much much more. This was a longer File and includes a video component.
We are overt now. Total war.
Patriot Underground
Kerry Cassidy
PU welcomes Kerry Cassidy back to the show for their 14th conversation to discuss the directed energy weapon deployment in Maui, widespread alien incursion, and how the Peruvian alien attacks are serving as a beta test for Project Bluebeam… You don’t wanna miss this one folks!

Take time to pray for the survivors of the Maui Massacre.
A Message From President Trump
No body cared until you involved kids
Joe Rogan
We’re living in unprecedented times.
This man was able to create a picture of a child using a 3D Cymatic pattern!!!

Marketing Scam Starbucks

Jan Halper-Hays
Jan sits on the TaskForce for the Department of Defense. We are getting very close. Full disclosure of the covert operation is being leaked out publicly now. She even talked about the 650 planes of GOLD that was taken from the Vatican!

The Caravans
Steal Away

“Jack and Jill
Went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.”

Ever wonder why the well was at the top of a hill?

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