Alberto Rivera Ex Jesuit Priest THE 4 HORSEMEN

1 year ago

The Council Of Trent.

The Council Of Trent is the title given to an ecumenical gathering in 25 sessions of chief Roman Catholic clergy in Trento, Italy over an 18 year period of time between 1545 and 1563. The sole purpose of these meetings was to draft a document containing declarations of war against the Protestant Reformation and all Christian "heretics" who refused to submit to Papal authority and Roman Catholic dogma (teachings) and traditions. These proceedings were directed by the recently formed Society Of Jesus (JESUITS) the Pope's new military order who were authorised to restore the temporal and spiritual authority of the Pope over every land and people worldwide. 

The Jesuits used and continue to use this document as a declaration of "WAR" against all Christians and Jews EVERYWHERE who will not SUBMIT to the AUTHORITY of ROME. Inquisitions were set up over centuries and persecutions inaugurated that have seen the death of UNTOLD MILLIONS of believers. The REAL truth is, NO ONE is SAFE from persecution. Any nation, tribe, ideology that CAN'T be CONTROLLED by ROME is ATTACKED and ANNIHILATED. 

The Council Of Trent document has never been revoked or amended and was RE-RATIFIED during the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) between 1962 and 1965. Every anathema (threats) (of which there are over 100) breathed against Christians in the Council Of Trent document were confirmed by Roman Catholic ie. JESUIT clergy. This document is a key part of the Jesuit strategy for world control used against all mankind.

The Papal War (COUNTER REFORMATION) against Biblical TRUTH is still in progress and will be fought to the death. The blame and guilt for the horrors and suffering perpetrated against innocent people over the last 500 years and the ocean of blood shed in endless wars and genocides lies at the feet of the instigators, the JESUITS, those merciless and murderous Sons of Satan!

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