Mass Murder and the West Maui Land Grab.

1 year ago

The Destruction that Just Took place in Lahaina Maui was No Natural Disaster. This was a Premeditated, Coordinated Mass Murder Event. The the Big Money Elites are Attempting a Land grab of the Most Sacred Land in Hawaii, and the Second Most Valuable Land in the World. The Establisment Now Plans to Aquire the Land... Do not be Fooled, this was Not an Accident! These Monsters are True Evil and Have no Remorse for Women Or Children. Stop Letting Them Convince you that Their Actions Can be Justified, They Can Not Be. Go To or to see the extremely powerful 'Alex Jones Show' and Catch All of the crutially important 'Reese Reports' By Greg Reese. The Most Effective Investigative Journalist You Will Find!!

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