Day 5 - 30 Days NO Ultra Processed Foods Challenge

8 months ago

Day 5

I tried a "healthy" soda that was suggested by a listener. It is carbonated mineral water, mashed fresh fruit, and a bit of sugar. Finding that helped A TON with my soda cravings and helped me finish strong.

I'm realizing a few things...

One - finding one good alternative to something you loved can make all the difference - so explore!

Second - I fell into one of my old traps of getting too busy and skipping a meal. This leaves me feeling super hungry and all those ultra processed foods suddenly look ok. I need to realize that when I'm skipping meals, I'm living an unbalanced day and that I need to slow down.

Third - Having quick and convenient options on hand (that are not ultra processed) are important to my success. I have to have quick items on hand if I'm going to make the 30 days! Cottage cheese, fruits, veggies, popcorn.... And even making some things in advance (like zucchini bread) so I have something to munch on a few days will help me succeed.

What are some of the things you found that help you succeed? Or what have you found leads you astray?

Food Diary

Coffee with sweetened and condensed milk
Scrambled eggs with cheese

Leftover stir fry

Two "healthy sodas"

Skipped! I need to make sure that doesn't happen again...

Late Night Snack:
Cottage cheese and grapes
Zucchini bread (the last of it!)

Have you started your journey of No Ultra Processed Foods for 30 Days? I'd love to hear about it!

Follow me on all the socials!




#30daychallenge #30dayfoodchallenge #challenge #fooddiary #processedfood #ultraprocessedfood #eatbetter

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