The Biden Ukraine Bribe Tapes

1 year ago

The one-hour investigation “Biden’s Bribe Tapes”, produced by conservative US news channel OAN in the summer of 2020, includes the original leaked phone calls between Joe Biden and then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Supported by key witness testimonies, they show how Joe Biden’s son Hunter was installed on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma, how Biden prevented a legal investigation against the company by the Ukrainian state prosecutor (and got him fired), and how Biden initiated a cover-up after the unexpected election of Donald Trump in November 2016.

At one point, Biden threatened Poroshenko’s “economic and physical security” if he didn’t comply.

When Ukrainian whistleblower Oleksandr Onyshchenko, a former advisor to Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko, wanted to testify and present the Biden tapes in the US in December 2019, he was first denied a visa and then, a few days before his departure, trapped and put into custody for half a year by German police. In May 2020, Ukrainian politician Andrii Derkach finally published the Biden tapes. Derkach was later declared a “Russian agent” by the US Treasury, barred from entering the country, and had his Facebook account – used for publishing the leaked documents – deleted.

In October 2020, it became known that the Facebook manager for ‘election integrity’ was a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and had been a Ukraine policy advisor to Vice President Joe Biden. Moreover, both Oleksandr Onyshchenko (the Biden tapes whistleblower) and Viktor Shokin, the former Ukrainian state prosecutor who was investigating the Biden-linked Burisma gas company and who got fired after Biden put pressure on Poroshenko, claim to have been poisoned.

Between the Ukrainian regime change in February 2014 and Trump’s election in November 2016, the Burisma gas company transferred millions of dollars to the Biden family. Yet according to leaked documents, Biden and Poroshenko were also involved in Ukrainian reverse flow gas dealings (routing Russian gas via the European Union and claiming it was European gas), which generated over one billion dollars in surcharges, whose recipients to this date remain largely unknown.

In 2020, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani tried to publicize some of the above information in an attempt to sabotage Joe Biden’s US presidential candidacy. Giuliani served as attorney for then-President Donald Trump, who had himself worked with various shady Ukrainian businessmen.

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