Ivermectin Truth Bomb: "One of the Safest Drugs in History, Even at Massive Overdoses"

1 year ago

Ivermectin Truth Bomb: "One of the Safest Drugs in History, Even at Massive Overdoses"

Greg Hunter asked Dr. Pierre Kory, “Can I OD (overdose) on Ivermectin if I get two or three times the [standard] dose. Can I kill myself?”

Dr. Kory’s answer blew Greg Hunter's mind:

“Let me answer scientifically. So there is a world-famous toxicologist named Jacques Descotes, and he's French. And two years ago, he was commissioned to do a scoping review of the entire data on the safety of Ivermectin in its history. And his conclusion after doing this comprehensive review is that he does not believe that there has been one single case of anyone dying from an Ivermectin overdose.”

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