2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 119

10 months ago

So, what’s the Buzz going on in the world and especially the United States this week? Hmmm, could it be “The Torching of Maui?” Is this event eerily similar to the wildfires in Canada? Could it be related at all to the other wildfires in the US and the unusual weather patterns across the country? We are going to talk about what the “blog-o-sphere” is saying about all this and we want your input and comments as well.
Plus, we will be covering our normal fare of other topics but more importantly, how do we “stand up” and resist? How do we best survive the coming collapses of the economy, the constitution, and our country in general. Will the WEF and the One-World government (UN) have their way and collapse the world into a giant black hole called the New World Order?

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