State of Alaska V. Judge Margaret Murphy Part Two

1 year ago

Alaska’s Courts Are Corrupt & we are here to expose what they want to keep covered up! We just finished inside the courthouse & hear is what we now know… (Watch Video for Updates)

What is this all about?

Today, August 18, 2023 (at 10 AM), Alaskans are came together to protect Alaska’s constitution and our citizen Grand Juries’ right to investigate and fix government corruption.

Today at the Homer Courthouse (was Kenai originally) there was a preliminary hearing for the felony perjury trial against Judge Margaret Murphy in connection with a 12 month investigation which is still ongoing by the Kenai Grand Jury investigating Alaska’s State-Wide Judicial Corruption.

This investigation, indictment, and pretrial hearing comes after 30 years of unconstitutional suppression, by government officials, of Alaska Grand Jury rights to investigate and indict government officials.

Alaska Grand Jurors Association believes it is critical that Alaskan citizens attend Judge Murphy’s pretrial hearing, to show the government that the public is watching and, more importantly, to show the Kenai Grand Jury we honor their bravery and have their back; especially since both Alaska’s Supreme Court and Deputy Attorney General recently tried to stop the Kenai Grand Jury from finishing its investigations or indicting anyone. (See Supreme Court Order 1993 and its accompanying memorandum dated November 22, 2022.)

If the Kenai Grand Jury sees that the public supports them, just imagine how many more corrupt officials they might investigate and indict before they are finished?

Without these investigations happening we may never know the true harm they have done if we fail to to support & back up the Kenai Grand Jury & their investigations!

If you can’t make it. The courthouse has provided a link to watch on Zoom! No recording or re-streaming of it will be allowed. But we will be Live on Politadick Before & After todays hearing giving Live Updates & interviews.

The arraignment in 3KN-23-00416CR State v.
Murphy will be livestreamed on on Friday, August 18, 2023
at 10 am.
Judge Thomas A. Matthews presiding.

Alaska Grand Jurors Association
David Haeg
(907) 398-6403

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In Other News:

Former Judge Margaret Murphy’s Trial continues tomorrow at the Homer Courthouse at 10:00am. Hope to see ya there to show your Support for our Alaska Grand Jurors!

We’ll be live before & after with updates what happens.


I’m sure by now you have all heard I was sued by those Puppet Masters who work behind the scenes getting their Puppets elected into all levels of our Government. They use the power they have to attack any that oppose them & don’t hesitate to use their Puppets to go after anyone who exposes them for the whole world to see. Just ask the Senator who likes to “#Telling_It_Like_It_Is” how they used her to come after us. Using her power in Juneau to target us.

Show your Support & Help Us Fight against the Weaponization of Our Government to go after Political Opponents they don’t like & Media Companies like us at Politadick they want to have silenced. They are systematically targeting us all & trying to shut us down. It is time for Alaskans to Unite together & change that outcome. Help keep News Media Companies like mine fighting for All Alaskans. Unfiltered, Uncut & with No Puppet Masters Pulling Our Strings telling us what we Can & Cannot Do. Help Us to continue exposing what MSM, Our Government & the Ones Who Control them don’t want you to see. Cancel Culture is working hard to shut us down.

Here are some simple things you can do to show your Support!!

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