TheDimNews LIVE: Hawaii Wildfires | Rich Men North of Richmond | Argentina's Javier Milei

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


RonGreen1 :r+bananadance: :r+bananadance:

MudderFetcher :r+cooldoge: :r+cooldoge: :r+cooldoge:

JQuickDraw Supporter :r+dab: :r+dab: :r+dab: :r+dab:

RonGreen1 A house explosion means the meth cooks are amateurs.

JQuickDraw Supporter Did you post the link in Discord? I just went to your Rumble page to open the stream.

JQuickDraw Supporter No one is a savior. Sometimes they help, often they don't. You surf the waves, and find any port in a storm as needed. We're in Thunderdome, baby.
Kubuddy yeah he needs to have ideas, hand over the money, and just walk away...

JQuickDraw Supporter If I was in Musk's position, I would also bring in censors again NOW. Lull them into a false sense of security. Then, right before the elections, fire them all, giving the statists no time to react.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I was being ironic, shit doesn't burn.

MudderFetcher seems like Elon has ruined twitter multiple times and the people seem to keep coming back
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ is rumble censoring everything like yt?

MudderFetcher yeah Rumble censors and never lets you know
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ so my witches line was missing?

jbsx Rumble censors certain bad words. the typer can see them but they are not posted in the chat

MudderFetcher I was surprised it let me say Beverly is horny for dice the other night lol

jbsx if you use salt water, the fire would rust

RonGreen1 The Epstein client list wants to create another Epstein island. My Maui conspiracy theory.

MudderFetcher can't fight space lasers with salt water

jbsx what about that one house by the water that didn't burn while all around it did...owned by an SEIU bitch


jbsx i typed the list. didnt you see it

Kubuddy plus salt water would bend the beam more... I'm pretty sure...maybe

RonGreen1 Service employees international union

MudderFetcher Oprah's mansions are lined with small child flesh so they don't burn as easily

jbsx SEIU takes union dues and gives to dems. Very big union

jbsx 👍️
Kubuddy rapture
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it was jew aliens from antartica

MudderFetcher rapture

RonGreen1 No billionaires were harmed during the production of the Maui fire.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Crapture

MudderFetcher this dude needs a new shirt

jbsx hawaii has legalized street walking protestutes
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ she sold her eggs?

h8yourst8 Supporter i'm against seggregation

RonGreen1 Hawaii is a democrat's wet dream.

jbsx in this case, they want to build their dream green city where you own nothing and eat bugs

wesley1924 Supporter+ hi hi
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ please, Bev babes, cut her off

h8yourst8 Supporter but make sure the illegals have free housing
I have nothing rude to say, love to both.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ people started them
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ people always start fires

RonGreen1 BC is burning now
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I set it up, she hit it

jbsx those pics of the fires in canada...B...look just like the pics in maui
Kubuddy you mean...they look like fire?
I bet Obama's chef started the fire. That's why he had to get Minecrafted.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no BC is B Cups ffs Bev
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ something you can only aspire to

RonGreen1 Hawaii and Canada are having a flame war 🤣

jbsx destruction path and areas burnt. different than the past california fire pics

wesley1924 Supporter+ Minecrafted means die. Rumble isn't as free speech as they advertise. That's why I can't say "die."

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Hello Rumblers
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev is struggling with genital terms, everyone send pics

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Rumble has a auto censor but removed some words recently

MudderFetcher aliens making fire circles is just another way of saying space lasers

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ the phrase is d -ie in Minecraft

RonGreen1 Space aliens with hypersonic phasers started the fires.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ instead of just d -ie

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ die
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ tim poole is a grifting retard with no hair

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ oh. Die is allowed now too
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I have no words to describe the quartering

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Rumble is not making wholesale changes to or removing the auto censor until after the the 2024 election is over

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ there are too many bad actors would abuse the small creators and channels

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ and the large ones as well
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ you lost me at prolapsed vaginas

wesley1924 Supporter+ Prolapsed vagina? That's like two vaginas for the price of one!

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I dislike that as well

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Just pointing out the likely reasoning
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ wouldn't one be inside out then?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Exactly

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It is a justification of censorship and that is never justified

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ the auto censor should be removed but that is entirely unlikely

MudderFetcher everyone gets f-cked and no one can even type the word f-ck while it's happening lol
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ hell yeah, alex in her pulpit

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ fuck

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ some words have been removed from the censor

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ die

MudderFetcher oh they finally relaxed on that one lol

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ suicide

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I believe k -illing might still be censored

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ killing

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ killed

MudderFetcher Cuntgoblins
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex is going off on one tonight
Kubuddy YOU TAKE THAT BACK, nick cage is great

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ c -unt is still blocked
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ he is awful lol

MudderFetcher if you make her Orgasnort you win a prize
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I love him

RonGreen1 C U Next Tuesday
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ doug mcclure was a 70s bad actor

wesley1924 Supporter+ Seth Rogan

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ nice segue

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Land That Time Forgot
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ troy maclure simpsons, based on doug macclure
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ mcclure
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ maclure

MudderFetcher Robert Z'Dar is my fave bad actor

jbsx Larry the cable guy
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ oh shit, alex is naming them
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev, when you grow up, you will develop taste in films.

MudderFetcher :r+cooldoge: :r+catjam: :r+cooldoge: :r+catjam: :r+cooldoge:

wesley1924 Supporter+ You'll get it one of these days

JQuickDraw Supporter Real aficionados call it cinema.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ apple devices autoupload kiddieporn for you

JQuickDraw Supporter Then they flag is a CP and alert the FBI

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The FBI has the largest collection of child pron

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ all of it should be destroyed

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ but the FBI accumulates it

MudderFetcher maybe they'll just rid of imported blocks

JQuickDraw Supporter All the CP or all of the FBI? ngl I am partial to the latter.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I added Bev to the tiny tits list, bill gates runs that list

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The FBI should be defunded and removed as an organization
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex has content?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ dirty tweets?

JQuickDraw Supporter dirty Xs, the bird is dead
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the bird shall rise again
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ skynrd says so
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ hey-nus?

JQuickDraw Supporter Musk could rename it Phoenix, and messages would be pyres.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ my hey-nus leaks sometimes
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ doesn't mean I don't still clench

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ deterrents work

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ like strong punishments for crimes

MudderFetcher found your oldest tweet and updooted it Alex lmao

RonGreen1 Lead is the preferred metal for crime deterrence.
Kubuddy lol will build a barn, wont fix a door

JQuickDraw Supporter I just put up a sign on my door, "DARPA BioWeapons Facility: Level 4 Contagions" and people leave me alone.

MudderFetcher 🫡

jbsx it all belongs to twitter. you post it, it's theirs

MudderFetcher yup

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The only correct authority for censorship is the individual. The only addition would invovle minors

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It would help if users controlled their data

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ and it not be readily available for monetization
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ beep boop I read your book Beep Boop

RonGreen1 I don't want to associate with the IRS. Can I just tell them to go pound sand?

JQuickDraw Supporter I believe in the freedom of dissociation. Frayed edges of sanity slipping into the swirling void...

MudderFetcher are y'all saying I shouldn't have given my pin number to those pretty Asian ladies in my DMs?

JQuickDraw Supporter What did you get in return?

MudderFetcher feet pics

JQuickDraw Supporter sounds fair to me

MudderFetcher I thought so

JQuickDraw Supporter caveat emptor

jbsx shrooms are great on steak
Please stop Alex saying twat like she does, ask her to say twat like it ryhmes with CAT.

JQuickDraw Supporter having sex on shrooms - Shreks

JQuickDraw Supporter Shrek is love, Shrek is life.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ those are some sturdy mushrooms

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex, it's called cuntent.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Cuntent

RonGreen1 If you're going to dox someone, write it on a piece of paper and take a photo.

MudderFetcher there's also "see fewer posts" but that didn't seem to work very well for me
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I am muted or banned from over 50 rumble chans.

JQuickDraw Supporter Is there a "Summon Asmodeus from his throne in hell to smite an asshole online" button?

MudderFetcher I'm just mad that I could've followed Alex for discount shrooms all this time
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ twat ryhmes with cat

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It should be an automatic disqualification. And if you saw their face already and did not make them a moderator that does not bode well for what you saw
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ are bev's boobs that small in person/real life?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ alex hates elon because he has her eggs frozen

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Musk does plenty wrong

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ but he can afford the mistakes now

JQuickDraw Supporter What about shrooms shaped like DnD dice. You use them to play, then after the game you get high. Nothing wasted.
Kubuddy except you?

RonGreen1 Orca's are awesome

JQuickDraw Supporter ba-dum-tis
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ this animals is made of meat, dinner time

JQuickDraw Supporter all animals are made of meat, no?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I just like killing,cooking and eating animals

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The fanciest zoo is still a prison

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ cages and all

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ just like at the border

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ aquariums are the natural environment on a smaller level

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Zoos are not natural environments

RonGreen1 Orca's live in pods.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ never trust pod people

JQuickDraw Supporter Orcas aren't people, no worries
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev just points, and goes 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKK'
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ donald sutherland was right

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Zoos are prison. No matter how fancy
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ people don't pay to tour a prison though
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ they pay their cable channel to make a show about it instead

JQuickDraw Supporter If they offered such tours, you don't think people would be lining up?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I'd probably pay for the san quentin tour, but I like it rough

MudderFetcher there'd be a waiver for incidental shiving
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ so, Alex is pro-zoo then

MudderFetcher this is why we now have tiny house lions
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Zeus or zoos?

MudderFetcher it's like zoo animals will be running the streets in wait
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ my sister keeps pet rats

RonGreen1 Polar bears aren't served gourmet seal when they're in a zoo.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ pittsburgh, he'd need a gun

JQuickDraw Supporter You should look up MacKamey Manor if you like scary "tours"

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Yes. Space is a big issue

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ most animals have a range

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ raccoons it is 2 miles I believe
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ A lazy big animals?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ yes, cook your shark properly
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ undercooked husky tastes like burnt cat

MudderFetcher the polar bears and huskies use their thick coats as a defense against scorpions

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Adaptation usually takes generations if not much longer. How long did it take to domestic dogs
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ a pet called sue?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ a raccoon is not a pet oh ffs
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no

RonGreen1 There's a 13 foot tall polar bear in the Juneau airport.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think we starting domesticating wolves into dogs tens of thousands of years ago.

JQuickDraw Supporter I want domesticated crocodiles. A boy and his croc.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ There is a right way to do it.

MudderFetcher Beverly is literally domesticating more animals lol

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ and it depends on the animal
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ We domesticated 12 foot long wolves into yorkshire terriers

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ domesticating a alligator is probably a bad idea

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ not sure the wolves that were precursors to dogs were 12 feet

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ that is a giant wolf

RonGreen1 A domesticated alligator is called a suitcase.

JQuickDraw Supporter Dire wolves

MudderFetcher ooh Dire Alligator

JQuickDraw Supporter Or a domesticated grizzly bear. You could ride it, sic it on wrongdoers, and generally cause spectaculars levels of trouble. Good times.

MudderFetcher mutts have always been the healthiest for us
Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++
How about the garage crispr guy who tried to code in glow in the dark fur?

RonGreen1 There's a bear cam on Kodiak Island. You can watch the brown bears catch salmon.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Humans should never breed

Egerog hi

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It was a real thing as far as I can tell

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Not sure it was successful. But someone tried
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ IKEA

MudderFetcher overpriced "imports"

Egerog I like Pier !

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Here you go

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ But real scientists have successfully made glow in the dark furry dogs

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ seems like a bad idea for anyone to do that
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Depends where you stick the candle

JQuickDraw Supporter What about scented dice that you can burn like a candle? Your game will smell great, then you have a candle for the evening. I seem obsessed with dual-use dice, you know, DUDs lol.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ A glow in the dark dog probably does have a greater fear factor to an intruder

MudderFetcher that guy had a choice between more into meth or more into glow-in-the-dark dogs
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ if you hire them both, the dual light show is amazing

JQuickDraw Supporter Breaking Bark

MudderFetcher it has a ginger

JQuickDraw Supporter He worked at the pound, when he decided to start genetically manipulating the dogs.

MudderFetcher just the video:

RonGreen1 If I lived in Arizona, I would wear a space suit like the astronauts.

JQuickDraw Supporter But you should paint a happy face on the front of the suit lol.

JQuickDraw Supporter The most disturbing thing about Oliver Anthony is his red beard and brown hair. Pick a lane, dude.

MudderFetcher his song 'Virginia' is good too

JQuickDraw Supporter Watching Beverly watching people react to a video. I think I'm slipping into another dimension.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I'd have thrown a line about poo in there
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ why
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Jarvis Cocker, Running The World, years ago, said better

JQuickDraw Supporter Jarvis Cocker? Any relation?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ how many gingers are there?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Jarvis Cocker was right, every time

MudderFetcher Fudge Round

Egerog Ottowa

JQuickDraw Supporter Toronto?

MudderFetcher now that's a place that needs space lasers

JQuickDraw Supporter Juno

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Quebec
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Kansas City?

RonGreen1 Where can I get some free government fudge rounds? Sounds tasty.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It's the Canadians for sure

JQuickDraw Supporter The elves are mindless clones. They're more like automatons than people. So it's okay. Yay toys!

JQuickDraw Supporter They get to watch videos and talk loudly, and people enjoy it for a change hahaha
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ KnightHawk?

JQuickDraw Supporter That's a Stallone movie, right? Nighthawks
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it looks very scientific
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ yes stallone

Egerog I love watching Ann Reardon. she uses her husband as a taste tester
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ bigger flop than the one bruce willis did about singing burglars

JQuickDraw Supporter Hudson Hawk lol

JQuickDraw Supporter with Danny Aiello
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ and richard e grant

Egerog Troom Troom

Egerog 5 minutes hacks

JQuickDraw Supporter Then there's Ladyhawk with Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfieffer and Matthew Broderick.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ ladyhawke is brilliant
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ should be watched as a double feature with Krull
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Hello TTK my son

MudderFetcher lmfao

RonGreen1 A white cake with cherry frosting sounds tasty.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ women ruins everything...even dice

JQuickDraw Supporter man works hard, Beverly rolls eyes lol
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ she forgot didn't she

MudderFetcher once you take the person who barely ever drinks and get them shitfaced = it's kinda on you

MudderFetcher free the nipple

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm so tired of the prejudice against the make nipple.

JQuickDraw Supporter *male
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex makes puffy faces, it's very cute lol
Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++
That face looks worthy of moderator status. Bonus for the hair

MudderFetcher Alex's face is allergic to planet earth
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ She was doing puffer face things

RonGreen1 Beverly has not been domesticated yet.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's cute

MudderFetcher goose emergency!

Egerog why is he called Plop
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ cucked and goosed

RonGreen1 Mother Goose is real.

Egerog :)

Egerog Lummpy Space Goose

JQuickDraw Supporter Mother Goose and Old Lady Grimm, both lived in a shoe - wait, that doesn't sound right.

JQuickDraw Supporter They're stallions cuz they's boss bitches who don't need no man.

JQuickDraw Supporter Welcome to modern feminism lol

MudderFetcher "and then what" is the mortal enemy of commie thinking
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ because women are whores
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ say it ttk
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ they hoes

Egerog giving the name confirms you are claming to be the father , i guess
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex making hoexcuses

JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher You don't get to "and then what" with communism. It devolves into some totalitarian control because the people at the top are handed all the stuff to distribute . . . and they don't.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Beverly, accuse alex of making hoexcuses lol
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ he pished

MudderFetcher black monk...he posted pages on the Washington monument

MudderFetcher the not-marrying-cousins really hit us hard here in the south

RonGreen1 The 19 Amendment was the downfall of America.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ rockerfeller burnt his bra in protest
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Good save there TTK

MudderFetcher the modern trans movement has nothing to do with Sanger level endings of bloodlines
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ when did women start working in the US?

MudderFetcher TTK is a bee vomit junkie

JQuickDraw Supporter How do they make those tiny manacles for the bee legs?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's pollen byproduct

JQuickDraw Supporter And the tiny little whips to keep the bees in line, making the honey

JQuickDraw Supporter Free the cows! Release them back into the wild.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ rise up bee slave brothers

JQuickDraw Supporter Hitler was a vegetarian and didn't smoke, and also a socialist. hmmm

RonGreen1 In Ethiopia, all the dogs are vegan.

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex paraphrasing Joseph Campbell on veganism. 😃
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ women are so violent
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the dodo

Egerog There is a group in Europe trying breed cows back the their now extinct wild ancestor

MudderFetcher Alex is gonna teach us something

Egerog Passenger Pigion?

MudderFetcher turns out they were delicious

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, the passenger pigeons were killed off and replaced with the fake robot camera birds to begin spying on the populace.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ wolves and beavr were both hunted close to extinction

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ humans are mean

Egerog let it go Alex

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh that stupid movie lol

MudderFetcher Alex just searched for Taylor Lautner and wolves

Egerog makes me want to watch Gingersnaps

JQuickDraw Supporter Gingersnaps is one of a few actually good werewolf movies.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ american werewolf in London, great 80s info mercial film

JQuickDraw Supporter with the Dr Pepper dude

Egerog we are due for a good werewolf film

RonGreen1 Bring back the saber tooth tiger.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ prairie dog population was severely curtailed but it turns out they helped the land and farms

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Batman Begins was the best Batman movie
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Adam West will always be my batman

JQuickDraw Supporter Dark Knight Rises was going to have the Joker from the previous movie in it, but they had to pivot when Ledger died. I think the movie suffers because of that.

Egerog I remeber Lower Wacker from Blues Brothers

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The Dark Knight was too long and slow in places. Ledger was good though

MudderFetcher "These people are filled with more fentanyl than usual."
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it wasnt me

JQuickDraw Supporter They's fentyfilled.

RonGreen1 I like this guy. Headstomp the commies.

JQuickDraw Supporter This dude stepped straight out of a 70s exploitation movie.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Psycho eyes and psycho face is a good look for a national leader

JQuickDraw Supporter TTK needs to move to his left a little, so his head is in the center of the mandala and his brain is peacocking into the astral plane properly.

JQuickDraw Supporter 👍️

RonGreen1 Blue states are called blue because of all the blue tarps on the sidewalks.

Egerog the propleg is that they are dragging everyone down to rock bottom with them
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ play some music DJ Bev

Egerog I think he helped clean Baltimore aswell
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ in 2020, Alex was happy just being the campus rapist

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It is very difficult to overcome the dumbassery of an entire populace

RonGreen1 I voted for Trump 4 times as a write in for the last local election.

purpletiger69 With closed source software voting machines any election can be rigged

purpletiger69 we need to vote by paper abllots

purpletiger69 ballots

purpletiger69 Also Mexico everyone who votes has their thumbed placed in 24 hour dye so they cant vote twice why cant we do that here

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Thumb dye would only work for in person voting
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ TTK has a favourite song

purpletiger69 But unless you can review the source code of a voting machine it could be programmed to do whatever the company that owns the machine does it can make up votes on its on its own

RonGreen1 Banks have social security numbers. When bank info is hacked, I think it's for voter fraud.

Egerog Alex are you going to stream Baulders Gate 3?

Egerog Subways

Egerog Jersy Mikes

RonGreen1 When you're driving in the big city, wear vampire teeth and a little fake blood around the mouth.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ WB BEV

Egerog Becuase no one wants to watch Obnoxious kick ass priscess

Egerog Heel

RonGreen1 I read that covid is coming back in September.

JQuickDraw Supporter The key I believe is when ivermectin is used. It needs to be administered in the first 5 days of infection I think.

JQuickDraw Supporter As usual in these matters, the devil is in the details.

JQuickDraw Supporter The difference (they will claim) is that the AI is not alive and has no rights, so the rights default back to the person the AI is mimicking or sampling.

Egerog What I dont like about AI in it's current state is it is programmed to deceive

JQuickDraw Supporter Wow. Just wow

JQuickDraw Supporter I can't even watch it. Wow

JQuickDraw Supporter He sounds like he's doing an old timey comedic bit.

Egerog Classic 70s SNL

JQuickDraw Supporter That woman behind him, that's a five or six head.

JQuickDraw Supporter I hope she doesn't turn her 480 IQ toward world domination.

Egerog YOung Dumb and i wont mention the rest

JQuickDraw Supporter koala? Did he say koala?

Egerog Wang

Egerog I dont know if could get past the the name Wang without laughing

JQuickDraw Supporter My favorite is when someone was asking him hard questions during the last election, and he told him to vote for the other guy.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Wow you're still going

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Tuned wtf is up w your mic
Fix your mic tuned

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ It sounds like a fan is on in the background its def tuned broooo

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Alex sounds fine. Ly sounds perfect as usual

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ I thinm you have the wrong decice

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Device

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Check streamyard input

JQuickDraw Supporter Maybe update your drivers

JQuickDraw Supporter :)

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Yes berverly great audio

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Beverly*

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Also i loved your voice acting for JDA's comic

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ :r+leotoast:

JQuickDraw Supporter The best thing about the internet is that unstable people on hard drugs can still interact with you. Chef's kiss

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Or it was AI generated

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Yeah sounds better fan off

Egerog It was like when you are picking a website template and you get those blocks of sample text

JQuickDraw Supporter Don't silence your fans. Let them blow you. I mean blow ON you haha

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Also dont change your smoke alarm batteries when they beep

Egerog The Stalone one Rocks

JQuickDraw Supporter It has Rob Schneider as comedic relief. Nuff said

Egerog < Gen X

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ I knew a guy who couldnt hear it. And he is white!

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Idk its IQ. But its def something
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ BEEP

JQuickDraw Supporter Why not just wear a gimp mask when you sleep, Beverly?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ zipper on eyes and mouth

JQuickDraw Supporter I love how Beverly properly analyzes my suggestion.

Egerog GN

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Pulp Fiction had a gimp mask

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Bye

JQuickDraw Supporter lator gators

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Bye

AlexofAllTrades Moderator Night!

TunedToKey Adios guys

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Byeeeee!

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