War Leaders--Physically and Spiritually

9 months ago

Winston Churchill was a warrior. God’s people must follow his example to become spiritual warriors. Learn how to become a valiant warrior for God.

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The mighty British Empire did its part to regenerate the world. There were flaws, but the empire brought blessings to many peoples. It was not a mad dictatorship like so many others in history.

Winston Churchill dedicated his life to sustaining and strengthening the British Empire as it served mankind. But any empire will face constant attacks and warfare. Churchill possessed the determination and resolve required to win.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman to learn how Churchill’s vision saved the West from destruction in World War II. His approach to warfare holds many lessons for you. Churchill learned that the history of man is the history of war. He prepared for war during times of peace. He saw that peace could only be maintained by a willingness to wage war.

Churchill fought for the glory of the British Empire. You can fight for something much greater: the God Family Empire!

Also request our free booklet What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind. Winston Churchill understood that war takes place in the mind first. All wars are a result of minds clashing with minds! And modern warfare has the potential to wipe out all human life many times over.

The number one world problem today is the question of human survival, but why? Why should we struggle to answer this question when we have achieved such awesome scientific and technological progress? Why does mankind remain helpless to confront the appalling evils of this world? The answer to this baffling enigma lies in the human mind. You need to know what makes the human mind so different from the animal brain—capable of vastly superior innovation while also pushing the planet to extinction. You can understand what science can’t discover about the human mind!

You will also receive a free copy of our booklet Human Nature: What Is It? In this morally depraved society, many are now saying there is no evil in the heart of man. Others say man was born with an evil nature. Both of these assumptions are wrong. What is human nature? Where did it come from? Answer these questions to unlock the truth about your own mind, the decisions you make, and your success or failure in life.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman, What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind, and Human Nature: What Is It? Order now!

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