
1 year ago

What does SUCCESS really mean at a time like this –– and in a world gone mad with greed? Clearly, it is something very different from the way we measured success in the recent past.

After asking the question (quest-i-on) inwardly, I distilled the answer I received into an acronym.

Then, the x-pression artisan Arkin Celik* rapidly brought SUCCESS to life in this quick and colorful animation.

Arkin and I both believe that it can be equally quick and easy to create real, empowering success in our own lives on a daily basis –– and even under circumscribed circumstances. For while it can take a lifetime to discover and accomplish our major Life’s Purpose, we can each contribute our gifts in large and small ways –– both tangibly and energetically –– as we think, pray, speak, write and act. And by so doing, we can add to the net amount of beauty, wisdom, love and kindness at work in the world.

Taken together, our ‘random acts of kindness,’ and spontaneous ‘acts of senseless beauty’ can actually help igKnight our essential evolutionary leap –– from humankind to HumanKindness.

For when we live our lives by Heart, mOMENt-by-mOMENt, we live in ways that honor the divine spark in ‘perfect strangers.’ And by so doing, we truly are –– Serving Universally by Contributing Creatively to the Evolution of the Sacred in Society.

Two new WordMagic classes are upcoming: on 11/3 and 11/7/2020.
For details, please visit: https://wordmagicglobal.com/upcoming-...

Contact info for Arkin:
*Instagram: @arkincelik
Website: www.arkincelik.com

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