Invitation to Play with Words

1 year ago

“We are prisoners of language and if we’re prisoners of language then the key that will set us loose is somehow also made of language. What else will fit the lock? So, somehow an act of poetic legerdemain is necessary …” Terrence McKenna

Wordplay is universally popular and usually silly. But what if there were deeper levels of meaning than usually meet the eyes and ears in puns, anagrams and the symbols of the alphabet? What might we learn about our cultural assumptions and innate human wisdom by ‘unpacking’ the ordinary words we give voice to every day?

Join us and discover how a primary school level of focus on basic linguistic elements can lead us to a graduate school level of understanding of the Western psyche, our built-in wisdom genome, and the Power of the Word to create the quality of our World.
Here’s what you will gain through your participation in our WordShoppe ––

- A greater sense of the magical power of words -- to create or destroy
- Awareness of the hidden philosophy in puns and the symbols of the alphabet
- Ability to recognize Secret Spells and Sacred PathWords in the English Language
- Real-Eyes-ation that We DO Come With Instructions –– for living fulfilling lives
- Greater consciousness and creativity –– as you speak and write
- Ability to invent new words and phrases that inspire higher consciousness
- Knowledge of how to Use the Word for the World’s ReCreation

At the end of this 4-session journey, you will come away with ––

- A deeper level of English language mastery
- Improved communication skills
- Enhanced visionary thinking and problem solving abilities
- More resilient self-esteem and compassionate awareness
- A heightened sense of your power, place and purpose in the Cosmos
- A fabulous vocabulary!

Click here for more information and to enroll - https://wordmagic-playshoppes.thinkif...

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