Browns Training Camp!, RMS Fish Store, Mulligans Sportsbar, Yuppy Puppy Dog Groomer

10 months ago

Un-Vaxxed & Still ALIVE! 8/18/23 #New Varient on the News & I'm Still Going Out in Public. My Friend John has it now so I'm avoiding him for a few day when in fact we were supposed to go out to the Movies on Wednesday Night & the Fish Store. I heard about the new Variant on the News and My Dentist Receptionist was speaking about it early Wednesday morning. I texted John to see what time we were planning on getting together and he texted back, he has a ' summer cold ' and is sneezing. I told him my Dentist Receptionist mentioned the new Varient. To which John replied, he does not think he has c-19, but just a normal cold. He texted me on Thursday saying he is now having ' Sneezing Fits ', watched the news and checked out the internet... And he says I'm correct and he feels he does have the New Variant. Me and my other Friends hope he is well enough to watch UFC on Saturday Night. If he's not and/or on the fence. I might be watching UFC alone at a bar. The POINTS of my story are, I found out someone has C-19. I am avoiding that person, and that person is staying home and self isolating as he doesn't want to spread it to others. There was no need for Society to close down the Movie Theater and Fish Store... and ALL the other businesses just to promote John and I using Common Sense. NO... we didn't make the rest of society who were not sick, stay home too, and close all the businesses and their places of employment just to keep John from not going to the Movies and the Fish Store. I guess if one town or all the towns had Abrams Tanks for their Police to use... Well it wouldn't have made a difference anyways. I think one of my next videos I'll do a presentation looking at the Crime Stats of a small, upper class, suburb towns like Kirkland, Chardon, Westlake and see if and how an Abrams Tank would have or would have not Helped with the Type of Crimes they usually deal with. And/or if would be cost effective and/or just the idea of some Ptsd'd Vet who is still stuck in the past, living in an alternate reality. A guy who just moved into the Town and State and is attacking the current Mayor like he was attacking the Counselman of the Town he used to live in. Both cases, which were Political in Nature, the Ptsd'd vet turned both cases, 'somehow' into Military conversation first claiming the Counselman didn't serve in the Military at All, and claiming the current Mayor of the town he just moved into was weak, and if ' and when ' he becomes Mayor, he will Arm the Police with Abrams Tanks. Which seems a little extreme. From my research Kevin Potter seems like a great guy, doing a stellar job, despite the lack of Abrams Tanks he himself has armed the Cities Police with.

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