Precious Otter Is Munching On Favorite Treats

7 years ago

Having a snack throughout your day can be just enough to brighten up your day and give you an extra boost to just keep going. Food is definitely one of the essential parts in our existence and as important as the air we breath. On several different occasions we find our self's to feel stressed and even angry when we are hungry. There for try not to starve your self and of course eat healthy and stay happy.

This joyful little guy in this videos is showing you the ropes to being happy and staying in shape, as he chomps down on some delicious treats. His owners have obviously been happy with him there for he is getting little extra for his tummy today. Cartel the otters is only 3 months old. He often comes to his owners lap and squeaks as if he's asking them to hold him or comfort him in anyway. Cartel was truly born to be adored by millions of people, he became famous by many of his own videos that his owners managed to capture.

Some may say that otters belong in the wild while many others will say that this guy has obviously found his place. By this video he seems that he is right where he needs to be. He has also found a way to entertain his family while looking way too cute and adorable while doing something as simple as eating.

Good on you buddy!

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