TikTok Encourages the DESTRUCTION of the Nuclear Family! Viral Video EXPOSED For Being STAGED!

1 year ago

A viral TikTok displaying images of a woman being forced into domestic servitude if she was to get married has been making the rounds. If you look closer, you will see that it is an obvious psyop, staged to portray the cartoonish aspects of marriage in the modern day.

While you can spot the hallmarks of deception, it resonated with so many because it's not too dissimilar to what society is telling young women right now. Don't get married, chase your career, you don't need no man! When in actuality, both sexes need each other and the data is conclusive that life satisfaction is higher across the board when the other half makes a whole.

Men and Women are better together than apart. When Men are Men and Women are Women, it's a beautiful thing.

Video: https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1689932843101585408
Unherd: https://unherd.com/thepost/gen-z-shouldnt-dismiss-marriage-so-lightly/

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#Marriage #Relationship #PsyOp #TikTok #Brainwashing #Dating #Engagement #Happiness #IntersexualDynamics #ModernDating

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