DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND - Motivational Speech ft. Joe Dispenza

1 year ago

DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND - Motivational Speech ft. Joe Dispenza
#disciplinedthinking #motivationalspeech #joedispenza
In the realm of thoughts, where chaos resides,
Lies the key to wisdom, where harmony hides.
Discipline your mind, like a master of old,
Unleash the potential that you closely hold.

In moments of doubt, when distractions arise,
Focus your gaze, let determination arise.
Tame the wild currents that sweep you astray,
Steer your ship of thoughts, with purpose, I say.

Resist the temptations that beg for your time,
For discipline's the bridge to a life sublime.
Let not fleeting pleasures distract your course,
Embrace the stillness, seek your inner source.

When worries encroach and fear takes its stand,
Stand firm, unyielding, with a resolute hand.
Anchor your mind to the calmest of shores,
Find solace in silence, as your spirit restores.

Train your thoughts, like a sculptor of dreams,
Carve out the beauty, let clarity gleam.
Shape your intentions with unwavering might,
For discipline shall guide you through the darkest of nights.

In discipline lies freedom, unbound and untamed,
A symphony of focus, where brilliance is named.
Unlock the potential that lies deep within,
And watch as your mind's true essence begins.

So discipline your mind, oh seeker of truth,
Embrace the journey, through shadows and youth.
For in the pursuit of a disciplined soul,
You'll discover the power that makes you whole.

Jordan Peterson
Jocko Willink
Joe Dispenza
Les Brown
Eric Thomas
Greg Plitt

All Video Footage through Videoblocks, Filmpac and Artgrid.

Music provided by EMVN

For music submission: emvn.co/submitdemo
For partner enrollment: network@emvn.co
For license inquiry: license@emvn.co

Track list:
Really slow motion - The Sundering

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