Rahan. Episode thirty two. Faster than the Zebra. by Roger Lecureux. A Puke (TM) Comic.

1 year ago


Episode thirty two.

Faster than the Zebra.

During his adventurous life, the son of Crao had met many animals, but he had never seen one as fast as this strange black and white beast.
He himself runs so fast that his heart becomes painful.

Rahan will do you no harm!
He only wants to touch you! Just touch you!
From the fierce ages, Rahan was curious about everything.
Of, men. Of things. And of beasts.

He was now bounding behind the panicked zebra.
His fingers caught the beast's tail and his victorious cry rose over the savannah.

Page Two:

But the animal suddenly kicked and he felt like his chest was bursting.
The clouds capsized in the skies and he collapsed.

He lay in the scorching sun, trying to catch his breath.
A nearby roar warned him of danger.

Again, panting, he saw the “Long Mane” spring from the tall dry grass and leap around the neck of the black and white beast.

Perhaps because he had almost been devoured as an adolescent, the son of Crao had never met a lion without confronting it.
Back, “Long Mane”!

The ivory knife opened the flank of the beast that was going to cut the zebra's throat.

Page Three:

And that Zebra quickly got back on its feet and fled straight ahead, faster than ever.
You could have let Rahan touch you, to thank him!

Rahan, who was following the animal with his eyes, suddenly thought he was dreaming.
On the horizon, in the quivering heat haze.

A powerful troop of men had just appeared.
All these men were mounted on beasts similar to the one he had just saved!

"Those-who-walk-upright", they able to impose their will on the black and white beasts!!

As the unknown hunters, brandishing long spears, saw him as an enemy to be captured, the son of Crao decided to flee.

Page Four:

The forest would offer a safe refuge.
But would he not be caught before he reached the border?
Faster Rahan! Faster!

His course was sometimes hampered by grass almost as tall as him.
Faster Rahan! The forest is near!

When he finally reached the tall trees, his pursuers were only an arrow's throw away.
Beneath the thick foliage reigned a beneficial coolness.

That he didn't have time to appreciate.
As nimble as a "Four Hands" he hoisted himself into the tangled realm of the branches.

A moment later, the hunters passed under his refuge.
They were going to continue on their way without seeing him, when.
Silence "Four-Hands"! You will betray Rahan!
Greek! Greek! Greek!

Page Five:

Cursed "Four-hand"!
Greek! Greek!
The monkey gesticulated and bawled stupidly, as if to curse this intruder who violated his domain!

Intrigued by these cries, hunters scanned the foliage.
They caught a glimpse of Rahan lurking on a forked branch.

The son of Crao expected to see the spears of these men flying towards him.
That is why what followed amazed him.
The hunters threw their spears at the foot of the tree!

Maybe it is a trick to put Rahan in their confidence!
The clan gathered under the tree. Shouts arose.

Oro-the wizard was right!
The "Hunter-faster-than-the-zebra" has finally come to our territory!
An ovation greeted these curious words.

Page Six:

I am Rahan, son of Crao.
And Rahan does not quite understand your words, brother!
Rahan's distrust was already dissipating.

He slid to the ground, triggering another ovation.
For seasons and seasons Oro had promised us that this big day would come!

Our clan salutes its long-awaited leader: Rahan, “The-hunter-faster-than-the-zebra"!
Each man came to bow before the bewildered son of Crao.

Rahan cannot become the leader of a clan that he did not know existed before this morning!
A true leader must be chosen from among the clan!

Oro-the-sorcerer's prediction has come true!
Rahan cannot oppose these omens!
He will be our leader.
Never had Rahan felt surrounded by so much respect, even fervor.

Page Seven:

We saw you catch the zebra!! We saw you kill the "Long-mane"!!
You are indeed the chief that Oro had promised to the clan!
Choose your zebra, Rahan! You now have all the rights!

Shrill cries suddenly cover the man's voice.
A multitude of "Four Hands" screamed from the foliage.
Greek! Greek! Greek!

A hail of "Fruits-de-bois" fell on the hunters.
One of them burst on the forehead of the son of Crao!

When he came to his senses a moment later, he was lying on the neck of a zebra.
His "Worshippers" were in escort.

Rahan is alive!
Our Chief is Immortal!
And their troop trotted joyfully through the tall grass of the savannah.
Towards a hill at the foot of which the huts of a village could be divined.

Page Eight:

Rahan will flee this territory as soon as it gets dark!
The men had suddenly stopped their mounts.

They watched with concern the strange black wave that rolled over the savannah in their direction.
In an instant, the herd of buffaloes was very close. The son of Crao could hear the loud hooves of the charging beasts thundering.

Hunters must have been accustomed, because, without a word being spoken, they split into several groups.

Who scattered before the herd.
Here, maybe for Rahan the opportunity to escape!

Page Nine:

No one cared anymore about Rahan, whose mount had turned itself around to flee the danger.

The ground was shaking, hammered by the herd which pursued its course.
Rahan's fate depends on you, Zebra!

But the son of Crao did not have the mastery of hunters.
Clinging to the neck and the mane of the zebra he was almost, at each leap, thrown to the ground.

An abrupt jump from his mount to avoid a stump made him let go!
He rolled in the grass, a hundred paces ahead of the charging buffaloes.

He got up, and rushed towards a ravine he had glimpsed.
If Rahan does not reach it, he will be trampled, and his belly crushed!

Page Ten:

He screamed with joy when he discovered that a large river flowed at the bottom of this ravine.
He dove into it.

When the buffaloes stopped at the edge of the gorge, he was already being carried away by the current.
Rahan escaped both the "Great-horns" and the hunters!

The son of Crao was swimming on his back happily, observing the clouds whose orange hue announced the approaching night.

Something, flying above him, suddenly blurred this vision.
He guessed it was the meshes of a net, but it was too late!

The great cast net of vines enveloped him.
Entangled in this mesh, he heard the cries and laughter of the men who were pulling him towards the shore.

Page Eleven:

An instant later.
But?? You are not a hill clan hunter! Who are you, then?
I am Rahan, and Rahan was just with the hill clan!!

In this case Rahan is the river clan friend!
Rahan is the friend of all clans! If he fled those of the hills, it is because he does not want to become their leader!

When the son of Crao had recounted his encounter with the hunters, the men of the river cried out.
Why did you not accept!

You would have commanded the hill clan with more wisdom than Oro-the-wizard!
You could have brought peace between his hunters and us!

Rahan learned that Oro-the-Witch forbade the River Clan from the savannah.
This one, on the other hand, prohibited the river to the hunters of the hills.
Stupid fights pitted each against the other.

Page Twelve:

Rahan hates that "Those-who-walk-upright", that men, are killing each other!
He will go tonight to tell Oro-the-sorcerer!
The son of the fierce ages no longer dreamed of fleeing this territory.

He wanted to bring peace between the men of the river and those of the savannah.
That is why the moon found him in ambush at the foot of the hill.

He saw the Zebras tied to stakes.
He heard the hunters who were still commenting on his disappearance.

When the buffaloes charged, we dispersed.
We do not know what happened to the hunter who is "Faster-than-Zebra"!

Forget the hunter, brothers!
If he fled from you, it was because he was not worthy of becoming our leader!
A man sat enthroned on a beaten earth altar.
And Rahan guessed that it was "Oro-the-sorcerer".

Page Thirteen:

Rahan has reflected, Oro!
He agrees to command the hill clan!
A clamor suddenly arose.
They called to the son of Crao who entered the village.

The sorcerer stood up and calmed the enthusiasm of the hunters with a gesture.
I must consult the spirits before making a decision!

Rahan may be "faster-than-the-zebra", but we need to know what his other qualities are!
Oro-the-sorcerer smiled.

Rahan risks changing his mind again and abandoning us!
That is why we will lock him up until daylight!

Friendly hunters surrounded the son of Crao, and escorted him to a niche dug in the hill.
You have nothing to fear Rahan! The spirits will be very favorable to you!

Page Fourteen:

A solid bamboo grid fell, blocking the niche.
Respectful hunters approached, bringing presents.

We know you will be a good chief!
Each, laying down his offering, had a word.

After Oro-the-sorcerer retired to his hut, a festive atmosphere reigned in the village.

A young girl had just brought some fruit to Rahan. She clung to the bamboo grill.
You will not see the sun rise, Rahan!

I know Oro. He claims that the spirits will kill his un-favored on their own.

Page Fifteen:

What are you saying?
Why would Oro kill me since he himself predicted to the clan that the spirits would send a "Chief-faster-than-the-zebra"!!

For seasons after the death of my father who commanded the clan, Oro has deceived us with this prediction!

This cheat believed that no man could run as fast as a zebra and that he would continue, alone, to command our hunters!

Your arrival upsets Oro's plans!
If you do not run away immediately you are lost!
Rahan thanks you for this warning!

The girl disappeared into the darkness.
The ivory knife was already attacking the vines holding the bamboos.

Page Sixteen:

The son of the fierce ages freed himself from the niche at the very moment Oro-the-sorcerer emerged from his hut.

The spirits have spoken, brothers!
They say Rahan is not the chief we expected!

Would you accuse the spirits of contradicting themselves, Oro!?
Or do you interpret their thought in your own way!?
From a nearby mound, Rahan towered over the village.

Unless you want to remain the master of the clan to continue the stupid fight against the men of the river!

Oro-the-sorcerer growled in rage.
Atone for this sacrilege brothers, kill him!
The spirits demand that he perish!

Page Seventeen:

As the hunters, troubled, did not carry out his order, Oro grabbed a spear and leaped at a zebra!
He will perish by my hand!

A moment later, the sorcerer was Chasing the son of Crao.
We will see if you are "faster-than-a-zebra”!

The moon was glowing brilliantly over the savannah.
Like the day before, Rahan was hampered in his run by the tall grasses.
He decided to confront his pursuer.

When he spun around Oro-the-sorcerer was only twenty paces away.
He held his spear low, ready to strike.

Dodging the mortal blow, Rahan had seized the spear to which Oro made the mistake of Clinging.

Page Eighteen:

The sorcerer found himself on the ground with the flint point resting on his throat.
The spirits do not seem to be on Oro's side!
Maybe they trust Rahan more!

The hunters were still undecided when Oro soon after spoke on the mound overlooking the village.
Listen to me, brothers, listen to me!

The spirits came and visited me!
They assured me that Rahan was proud to become the leader of our clan, for a while!

They also told me that our hunters can now live peacefully with the men of the river!

The spirits have again asked me to go and preach in another territory!
Under the threat of the spear, Oro-the-witch faithfully repeated the sentences whispered to him by the son of Crao!

Page Nineteen:

You earned your life and your freedom, Oro!
Go! So that the men of the hills and those of the river never hear of you again!

And so it was that a Sorcerer who had deceived his clan for too long disappeared forever.

Rahan, the "Chief-faster-than-the-zebra", was welcomed by jubilant village.
This one was going to prove itself worthy of its title.
As required by the spirits, we will live in peace with the clan of the river!
What does it matter if he lied, by lending to the "Spirits" his own feelings?

The main thing is, that we soon saw the men of the river hunting in the savannah, and those of the hills fishing in the river.
To all, Rahan taught a thousand things.

Page Twenty:

But the desire to discover new lands, to meet other clans, haunted the son of Crao.
Ten hunters have proven they would be good leaders!
You choose the best!

As always he asked his knife to guide his steps on the adventurous trail.
The ivory blade pointed to distant mountains.

The men of the hills and the river greeted him with a similar clamor when he rushed into the savannah.
Farewell Rahan! Farewell Brother!
Your memory will live on in our hearts until the end of time!
The son of Crao, hair in the wind, rushed towards the chain of Blue Mountains.
He was at that time so flexible, so powerful, and so fast that no "Zebra" could have caught up with him.


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