Sound of Freedom Update | What they are Doing with All of that Money!

10 months ago

Sound of Freedom Update | What they are Doing with All of that Money!

Sound of freedom update time! Angel Studios has publicly released what they are doing with over 34 Million dollars of the profit from Sound of Freedom. One of the ways that the media attacked Sound of freedom was with their profit and finances. Many questioned angel studios and the sound of freedom team. People demanded to know where the money was going. Is Angel Studios greedy or money hungry? Today, with our most recent sound of freedom update, we find out!

Sound of Freedom hits theaters overseas in 21 territories before Sept. 1. Here’s the overseas release schedule:

August 18 – South Africa
August 24 – Australia/New Zealand
August 31 – Mexico
August 31 – Guatemala
August 31 – Honduras
August 31 – El Salvador
August 31 – Nicaragua
August 31 – Belize
August 31 – Panama
August 31 – Colombia
August 31 – Venezuela
August 31 – Argentina
August 31 – Uruguay
August 31 – Paraguay
August 31 – Bolivia
August 31 – Chile
August 31 – Peru
August 31 – Ecuador
August 31 – Costa Rica
September 1 – UK and Ireland
October 11 – Spain


#soundoffreedom #soundoffreedom2023

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