The U.S. Government Is Enslaving "Our Nation" and the world

1 year ago

Believe it or not as this is not fiction but "little known" technologies are being used on innocent U.S. Citizen within our country and around the world to enslave us. "Neural Soul Snaring" is the method of acquiring your unique brain signature within the EBL (electronic brain link) system and stealing every aspect of you as an individual. You are controlled through conditioning, every thought and idea stolen, every movement tracked, every vital sign recorded and manipulated, every emotion and ultimately your actions are modified to serve as a "slave", proxy investigator or "False Flag" operative to create domestic terrorism events to justify the loss of more rights and seed more control to a U.S. Government Surveillance State. This is U.S. Government gentrification or cleansing of our society. PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES and FIGHT BACK.

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