DOJ U.S. Attorney Kristen J. Brook caught RED HANDED

1 year ago

If you're being gang stalked, community stalked or illegal surveilled by the FBI's "Gangstalking Unit" and feel you're been added to the TDSB/NIS Code 3 & 4 list thus tortured and tormented by V2K (Voice to Skull), RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks), RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring), BCI (Brain computer interface), HMI (Human Machine Interface), EMF (Electromagnetic Field), ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) of MK (Mind Kontrol) "Mind Control" visit us at for information and assistance.

Directed Energy Weapons, psychological warfare is any fashion as currently inflicted on innocent U.S. citizens and many more around the world is a war crime. It is a weapon of mass destruction or WMD violating every moral, conscionable and civil right we have. The use indirectly of subliminal messaging on mass population is conditioning like "Palov's Salivating Dog's" effecting the way you feel to how you vote. The direct use of V2K, VM, PM, NM, LOCAL, VOICE and MK resonate frequency weapons is beyond "cruel and unusual". The Targeted Individual or victim is literally subjected to torment, free, threat, distress, coerced and manipulated to do the bidding of the RNN ISA, ROD and Operators which is the equivalent of slavery. Generally to be Proxy investigators, human batteries for intellectually property, cognitive abilities or brainwashed to commit "False Flag" ops for the CIA, NSA, DIA, DNI and DOD. These proxies are also used to "take out the trash" of the FBI or "kill off' the whistleblowers or victims of their illegal abuses of these technologies. Proxies are often turned against each other as to conceal the bigger conspiracy. For example: "Your neighbor is spying on you or Go kill this person as they are a terrorist" etc.

The use of these mind control weapons on civil populations is extremely invasive to our civility and allows "Uncle Sam's" investigative and intelligence agencies to erode our moral fabric and scar our country indefinitely. These technologies are also known by the US Government to facilitate, perpetuate and empower human trafficking, sex slavery, medical crimes & illegal studies. They are also used by over 1600 private businesses contracted with the federal government who utilize communication infrastructure to spray U.S. cities with the equivalent "social engineering" programs. The most perverse use of these technologies by the U.S. Government on civilian populations is known as "slow kill" in which the victim is psychological tortured 24/7 with "synthetic telepathy" in which the victim will begin hearing voices out of the blue and "synthetic clairvoyance" in which those networked with see "grainy" visions of shadowy figures when they close their eyes. This is accomplished by use of BCI, HMI and transposing stimuli over the victims visual cortex.

Unfortunately prevalent misuse and abuse of these technologies over the last 50 years to violate our civil rights and liberties, illegal ease drop on anyone and torture U.S. Citizens without cause, indictment, conviction, representation or due process account for the "poor state of our nation" as a whole. Instead of "so called" law enforcement (ie. FBI, NSA, CIA and DIA) actually enforcing "laws" our protecting and serving the people as they are appointed to do they have chosen to hide these truths. Conceal evidence, suppress victims and obstruct justice entirely. They seem more prone to allow innocent American to be tortured to death or repressed into "nothingness" then to acknowledge and correct the problem as a whole.

Please find more related stories, evidence or join our class action lawsuit at God bless America, please help us keep it that way. Stop hiding... Open your eyes and fight back.

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