How NASA use gravity and ratio waves to study planets and moons

9 months ago

NASA uses a variety of techniques to study planets and moons, but as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, it doesn't use "ratio waves." However, it does use gravitational waves and gravity-assist maneuvers for certain missions.

Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime caused by massive objects in motion. While they are primarily associated with black holes and other cosmic phenomena, they don't play a significant role in studying planets and moons directly.

Gravity-assist maneuvers involve using a planet's or moon's gravitational pull to alter a spacecraft's trajectory and increase its speed or change its direction. This technique has been used to save fuel and adjust trajectories for various interplanetary missions, allowing spacecraft to reach their destinations more efficiently.

If you meant a different term or concept related to studying planets and moons, please provide more details, and I'd be happy to assist you further.

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