Again | We Are Going to the Moon, to Stay, by 2024: Unveiling the Lunar Future

1 year ago

We Are NASA: Going to the Moon, to Stay, by 2024 - Unveiling the Lunar Future

Embark on a remarkable journey as we, NASA, unveil our audacious mission: "We Are Going to the Moon, to Stay, by 2024." Join us in exploring the extraordinary endeavor of establishing a lasting human presence on the lunar surface. Witness our determination to surpass previous achievements, as we, NASA, forge ahead into a new era of space exploration. Through this video, immerse yourself in the vision, technology, and commitment of NASA driving us to make the Moon a home for humanity. Experience the excitement of our upcoming lunar permanence, where we, NASA, take giant strides beyond our planet and shape the destiny of space exploration.

Special thanks to William Shatner for lending his voice to

this project.

About NASA's Moon to Mars plans:

Credit: NASA

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