France, Libère-toi ! - Anthem of The French Popular Party

1 year ago

I own nothing, all credits go to FBIV. Original description below.

Well, first off I'd like to express my faith in the French people!

Now, to the information:

The Parti Popolaire Français was a French Fascist party before and during WW2, led by Jacques Doriot, with its HQ in the city of Saint-Denis and with close ties to the Italian Fascist Party. Extremely anti-semite, it was founded partly by ex-members of the French Communist Party, who didn't agree with their former party's ideological path towards Freemasons and Jews.
It became more active during the Vichy Regime, and its paramilitary wings as well as regular members fought for the Legion of French Voluntaires (LVF) in the Eastern Front. It's oath was heavily influenced by the Oath of The Blackshirts:

"In the name of the people and of the fatherland, I swear fidelity and devotion to the Parti Populaire Français, its ideals, and its leader. I swear to serve until the supreme sacrifice the cause of national and popular revolution which will leave a new, free and independent France."

Their youth wing was known for attackind the zazous (something like french hipsters) and shaving their heads, then sending them to work in the crops.
The Party was at first pro-capitalist, but as the war raged on, it became corporatist and attacked both socialists and capitalists.
Doriot moved to Germany and was the leader of the government-in-exile of Vichy France when France was lost to the allies, but was murdered in 1945. The Party did not survive, and no one ever tried to revive it.


Libère-toi France, libère-toi
Secoue le joug des luttes fratricides
Que l’étranger apporte sous ton toit
Sous le couvert de promesses perfides.
Que le Français soit maître de ses lois
Hors du pays les fauteurs de querelle
Nous ne subirons pas votre tutelle
Libère-toi France, libère-toi

La liberté que nos ancêtres
Ont payée du prix de leur Sang
Est menacée de disparaître
Lève-toi O peuple tout puissant
Déjà la rouge dictature
De faits sanglants, de combats inhumains
Se repaît de notre blessure
Debout Français, Saint-Denis te tend la main.

Libère-toi France, libère-toi
Secoue le joug des luttes fratricides
Que l’étranger apporte sous ton toit
Sous le couvert de promesses perfides.
Que le Français soit maître de ses lois
Hors du pays les fauteurs de querelle
Nous ne subirons pas votre tutelle
Libère-toi France, libère-toi

Unissez-vous hommes de sciences
Ouvriers, humbles paysans
Joignez la force à l’expérience
En commun, soyez les artisans,
Les pionniers de la vie nouvelle
Et plus léger sera notre tribut
Ecoute Doriot qui t’appelle
Enfant de France vers le plus noble but.

Libère-toi France, libère-toi
Secoue le joug des luttes fratricides
Que l’étranger apporte sous ton toit
Sous le couvert de promesses perfides.
Que le Français soit maître de ses lois
Hors du pays les fauteurs de querelle
Nous ne subirons pas votre tutelle
Libère-toi France, libère-toi

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