The Fringe Minority Report #199-2 National Citizens Inquiry Red Deer

11 months ago

Part 2 of 2
The National Citizens Inquiry testimony of Dr. Eric Payne. He is a neurologist with many creditials, including BA and Master degrees in science and public health. He specializes in the treatment of children and spent 6 years at the famous Mayo Clinic in the US before returning to Calgary to begin a two year contract.
In his excellent testimony, Dr. Payne describes the succession of events that started after his refusal to get the covid vaccine. After several emails to his superiors and Alberta Health, hoping to get a meeting to discuss his findings, he received retribution instead. They removed his trainees, damaged his reputation, locked him out of the hospital via email, and sent 2 investigators to search his office for evidence of noncompliance. They found none.
Instead of AHS responding to his emails, they sent complaints of misinformation instead. The AHS lawyers told them a meeting was not required because they continued to express noncompliance, and this was affecting the learners' experience, making them uncomfortable.
Dr. Payne spent 6 wks off and was called back after the mandates were dropped.
There are no excuses for any of these actions. He was just asking questions, which is part of ongoing research. The government silenced doctors who just wanted to protect children. They wanted to show data and statistics from other countries where children were concerned. Data that Alberta Health should have already seen.
Dr. Payne is still willing to debate or discuss the issue with anyone, but they have refused. He believes their refusal to debate is because they can't dispute the dangerous side affects of the covid vaccine on the most vulnerable, our children.

The covid restrictions and mandates hurt many Canadians. Please listen to their stories.

All original material was collected from the National Citizens Inquiry site.

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Part 1

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