The Pugilist

1 year ago

“The Pugilist” is a sports drama that follows the saga of ageing prize-fighter, Seamus ”The Thgunbder” Logan, the greatest heavyweight to never receive a title shot as he is diagnosed with Chronic Traumatic Encepalop[athy (CTE), also known as Puigilsitica Dementia, after a gruelling battle with Tommy “The Hangman” Kidd, and must hang his gloves up.

As he struggles to find his identity in a new and uncertain world his wife, a university professor of philosophy, sees her career blossom; as his identity collapses hers finds firm footing.

Now in the shadow of his former self, Seamus is presented with a final opportunity to earn the title shot that eluded him throughout his entire career in a rematch and number one contender’s fight with Tommy Kidd. Accepting the fight will mean risking his health, life, and even his marriage, but to reject it would mean denying the very essence of the nature of his self. No matter what Seamus Logan chooses, the one certainty of his life is that dreams leave scars.

Adapted from the short film and short story "The Gatekeeper" and presented by Experiment FIVE.

Jeffrey Kelley, Chelsea Johnson, Rob Jeffrey, Jason Robertson, Dewayne Keating, and Nigel Flood
This one is a real heartbreaker.
Dreams Leave Scars

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