Tracking World Water Protecting Communities

10 months ago

NASA's Earth observing satellites are tracking the world's water resources to help protect communities from water scarcity, flooding, and other water-related hazards.

The satellites collect data on a variety of water features, including surface water, groundwater, snow and ice, and water vapor in the atmosphere. This data is used to monitor changes in water availability and quality, identify areas at risk of water-related hazards, and develop strategies to manage water resources sustainably.

For example, NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites have been used to track changes in global water storage. The GRACE data has shown that the Earth's water resources are declining, and that this decline is being driven by climate change.

NASA's Landsat satellites have been used to map changes in surface water. The Landsat data has been used to track the expansion of irrigated agriculture, which is a major driver of water scarcity.

NASA's Aqua and Terra satellites have been used to monitor changes in groundwater. The Aqua and Terra data has been used to identify areas where groundwater is being depleted, and to assess the impact of groundwater depletion on ecosystems.

NASA's Sentinel-2 satellites are being used to monitor changes in snow and ice. The Sentinel-2 data is being used to track the retreat of glaciers and ice sheets, which is a major contributor to sea level rise.

NASA's Aura satellite is being used to monitor changes in water vapor in the atmosphere. The Aura data is being used to track the global water cycle, and to assess the impact of climate change on the water cycle.

The data collected by NASA's Earth observing satellites is helping scientists to better understand the world's water resources, and to develop strategies to manage these resources sustainably. This data is also being used to help protect communities from water-related hazards, such as floods and droughts.

In addition to tracking water resources, NASA is also working to develop new technologies to help communities manage their water more effectively. For example, NASA is developing a new satellite that will be able to measure the amount of water in clouds. This data could be used to improve weather forecasts and to help communities prepare for droughts and floods.

NASA is also working to develop new water purification technologies. For example, NASA is developing a new method to remove salt from seawater. This technology could be used to provide clean water to communities that are located in arid areas.

NASA is committed to using its Earth observing satellites and other technologies to help protect communities from water-related hazards and to ensure that everyone has access to clean water.

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