Drug Addiction 1951

10 months ago

This film chronicles the decline and fall of "Marty" (see Are You Ready For Marriage?), a "good boy" who becomes a junkie. Marty's experimentation begins with marijuana, which produces "profound mental and emotional disturbances." Marty then goes straight to "H," which he buys from Louie, the local dealer (who keeps his stash in a lamp base). Marty is caught, sent to a drug rehab center (where he cuts down dead corn stalks and plays checkers), and reforms. The scene where Marty and some of his stoned friends drink out of broken Pepsi bottles is memorable. As in all drug films, the marijuana sequences are the most entertaining. "Thoughtless curiosity can lead to a lifetime of pain and torment!" The street pushers in this film wear turtlenecks.

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