Fun at Art Center

1 year ago

Un-Vaxxed & Still ALIVE! 8/17/23 - Even though the TV News ' Warns ' of new variant, i.e. ' a summer cold '. Either way, I'm going out in Public like I did when all the other variants were spoken about on TV. I easily survived that, in the same way the FreeThinkers crowd survived the Gala Dinner in Independence of May 2022, even though Mike had givin, not 1, but 3 ' Warnings '. The Freethinker crowd, ignored such ' Warnings ', as the times really weren't ' Extrordinarilary Dangerous '. That was just the paraniod opinion of a Ptsd'd, Nutcase Ex-Vet, who was afraid to leave his house. Excuse me, his mom and dad's house. So I too will continue to ignore ' Warnings ' of Paranoid Fear Mongers. Today I'll be at Mulligans in Strongsville for Breakfast Omlets and Pool Shooting from 9 - 11, Friday Night, Rookies 2 Sportsbar in Pama (Pearl & Ridge) as my Team, is in Both 8 - Ball and 9 - Ball Playoff! So if anyone would like to come and hang out, eat some food and shoot some pool, and have some Fun. Those are places I'll be Thurs morning and Friday Night. Plus, I'll be at Pagan Festivial in Bedford (eastside) on Saturday late afternoon, early evening. Then Sat Night is UFC 292, which we will most likely watch at Johns house in Mayfield. We are going to bbq chicken. If anyone would like to come to these events too, you are more than welcome.

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