The CCP seeks to control everything, and they are expanding the "CCP model" to the entire world

1 year ago

8/16/2023 【Ava on Outside the Beltway @RealAmVoice】Ava Chen: Mr. Guo's revelations have been verified by facts and have awakened many people. The CCP chose to use lawfare to silence him out of fear. The game the CCP plays is to control everything! They made it in China and are now looking to expand that model to the West—even the entire world!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/16/2023 【Ava做客Outside the Beltway节目】Ava:郭文贵先生的爆料得到了事实验证,因此唤醒了很多人。中共在恐惧之余选择使用司法战来让他保持沉默。中共布的局就是要控制一切!他们在中国做到了,现在正想把这种模式扩展到西方,甚至全世界!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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