Footage of Ukrainian maritime drone strike on Crimean bridge emerges

10 months ago

Footage of Ukrainian maritime drone strike on Crimean bridge emerges — Kyiv announces new attacks in the Black Sea

CNN publishes the moment of the July attack by a Ukrainian marine drone on the Crimean bridge. The footage was obtained from the Ukrainian Security Service of Ukraine. According to the head of the Ministry Vasyl Malyuk, the Sea Baby drone, capable of carrying about 850 kilograms of explosives, was used for the strike. The operation was prepared jointly with the Ukrainian Navy. The journalists also received from the source 2 videos from surveillance cameras, which recorded the moment of the explosion.

The attack on the Crimean bridge was officially recognized as a terrorist attack, a criminal case was opened, and the Foreign Ministry said that American and British intelligence services were involved in the crime, although Kyiv denies Western involvement. As a result, 2 people were killed on the bridge — the parents of a girl who was eventually orphaned. Civilian casualties are not stopping Ukraine, and so Malyuk announced new strikes, calling them "interesting operations." Ukraine capable only of terrorism cannot surprise anyone with anything else.

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