Legal Protection Fund To Preserve Maui Land Ownership & Prevent Government Overreach

10 months ago

Mike Yoder @yoder_esq on Twitter writes:

Maui landowners are terrified that the State of Hawai’i is going to take their land—and I would be too

The 5th Amendment’s Taking Clause authorizes the gov’t to confiscate private land so long as (1) it’s used for “public benefit” and (2) “just compensation” is provided to the owner

…and the 14th Amendment extends this federal power to the states

I will help anyone in Maui fight to protect their land—they’ve lost enough already & I refuse to let the gov’t take even more

Source Tweet:

Protect Maui
Legal Protection Fund To Preserve Land Ownership & Prevent Government Overreach

See also:

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Ed Dowd Updates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On The Wild Fires In Maui (August 14, 2023)

Matt Kim: What's Going On In Maui?

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