Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

10 months ago

This book is the minutes of, the intentions of, the purpose of Zionists that originated in Russia in the 1800’s . Of course, it’s one of the HARDEST books that you can find. Truth isn’t something that comes knocking at your door. In fact, truth will almost NEVER be on the TV. The reason that the book is hidden is because, like Henry Ford, once you have read it, you will understand much of the world. Do you think Henry Ford was Stupid? There have been others. Ask yourself: How does one war end (Afghanistan ) and another one start on the very next day? Do you think Putin just woke up and decided “I will invade Ukraine today”. No, find what The Rand Corporation (a deceptive name for a war think tank for pigs) wrote about Russia in 2019. It’s a bunch of dual-national Israelis and their Caucasian wannabes that wrote out how to provoke Russia into invading Ukraine, capturing the European Gas market, and they even state @ Ideally, these actions will do more harm to Russia than the US, but that question is not paramount”. If another country had written that, we might attack them (with the bankers approval). No, this much constant evil, constant war, constant rise of power by Israel, is simply not organic. Most American men if made aware would be willing to fight. But most American men still don’t feel the pain. Yes, there’s suffering worldwide but they can make their truck payment. Some older Men will even say “ I’ll be gone in s few years and all this will be someone else’s problem “. He just said what he thinks of his grandkids. Did he not?

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