Deep calls out to deep Part III (Ep. 9) 8/16/23

1 year ago

What is the big deal about God? Why should I want to go deeper? In this third part of 4 we will discuss how to take back our AUTHORITY. Also, the common question of what God desires in us, what stops us from growing into a deeper realtionship with him and why it is to our greatest benefit to dive deep.

We start digging right away in Genesis 1:26. Read it!

God has given us authority. The power or right to give orders, to make decsions and enforce obedience. A person or organization having power or control in a particular area politivally or in an adminstrative sphere....

God has given us humans authority on this earth.

Luke 10:19 Read it!
Jesus says He has given us authority to overcome all power of the enemy. It is very crucial to speak the word of God over yourself, your children, your spouse, your family, your community, your nation, your church, your business, your ministry etc

If we have auhtority what is the problem?

We are set up for success so why is this not easy?

1. People do not know they have auhtority.

2. People do not believe it or think its silly Luke 10:21. Some people who are very
knowledgeable or educated may think this is silly

3. We forget we have this authority because we have become so busy in our life and fill our life with so much stuff we forget to exercise this authority.

4. We give our authority away and we do so very quickly. Eve example. I kept saying apple but it was fruit. We give away our authority through fear, doubt, anxiety, pride, spirit of offfense, spirit of entitlement.

5. Have we come into agreement that contradicts the word of God? When we use the expression "I am" We are referencing our God. When Moses asked who do I ay you are God replied, "I AM." And we are created in God's image. What do we say? what are we coming into agreement with? "I am tired" "I am not good enough" We must becareful what we say and what we are coming into agreement with.

We also give away our authority when we say "I have__ " followed by words of lack or loss.

Just like when beginnnig an exercise routine, the first time is the hardest but as you continue it becomes easier, same as when you exercise your authority. The more you exercise your authority th easier it becomes. It will become second nature and flow. And start thankning God ahead of time. Before anything comes into the natural it is loosed in the supernatural first. It is loosed in heaven first.

Stay blessed and encouraged! keep thanking the Lord and praising Him!

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