Woe unto all man made churches!!

11 months ago

To the church in Laodicea write, I know you're works and everything you have done and this is what I have against you, you are lukewarm! I wish you were hot or cold but since you are lukewarm I will remove your candlestick and spit you out of My mouth, you say we are rich we lack for nothing but in fact you are wretched, pitiful, blind, naked and shameful! Come to Me and I will put salve on your blind eyes so you can see again and clothes to cover your shameful nakedness, Jesus hates lukewarm phony church going church members and pastors, all the pastors that lead people away from God will answer to God and they will get a harsh judgement!! They are supposed to be preaching God word but do not do that anymore, pastors of today are false Prophets and care more about money their church building, how many people attend church, they steal from the poor all the time and drive huge cars and live in huge mansions, Joel Osteen does and has a private jet, joyce myer does to, the mega rich devils will wish they were never born, God will hold them all accountable of sending people to hell with their prosperity gospel that says live your life now and God will bless you and give you whatever you want now, nope that is not what Jesus preached or Peter or any other apostle they preached repent all of you and be baptized for your sins!!! Stephen was stoned to death because the high priest were offended and hated Jesus and had him stoned after he said you stiff necked people was there a prophet your father's did not persercute they killed those who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah! You who have received the law of Moses by angels and have not kept it! Stephen was dragged out and stoned to death outside of Jerusalem gates, churches and church people still Stone people today, they get rid of pastors that offend them with their sermon, people who visit and actually follow Jesus and they do not like it and tell them you are not welcome here, Jesus did not sit with the religious crowd in His day and still is not,

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