'No Rockets go near or enter Space, so simple to see it hurts' - 2014

10 months ago

Published on Dec 2, 2014

"Don't let NASA(your fav Freemasons) trick you with their science lies and their fixed altitude and velocity gauges on your tv screens, and these rockets are close and low enough to rule out bending light, the 180 degree bending arc we see within 2-3 mins after launch in the launch photos, and the CONtrail is seen also while these rockets are supposedly in space and sometimes these rocket engines are heard from ground, the rocket hoax is so obvious a child can see and understand the rocket trajectory trick is done in the lower atmosphere nice and close and not going into space but they do a 180 degree arc above the ocean and no more than 100,000 feet, and that is generous, the last video is a laugh, the people watching the launch are oblivious to the joke, they just don't get any dumber than these nasa believers and followers and use nasa data as if legit, ahh those freemasons sure are great at psychological manipulation and know how the eye sees and how it can be tricked with their science, get it yet nasa=freemason nutter ??"

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