This video explains how our creation is constructed, how intuition works, and how to access all

11 months ago

My inner knowing kept on brining this information up to my consciousness and I'm being called to share this. I give credit to Ingo Swann's book for helping me figure out how information reaches up to the surface. His book really helped.. and the rest I kinda had to figure it out over a lifetime. And I now call this the Ball of Yarn Creation Model for the science books. lol.

So whatever happens... I have now released this info out to all. I hope it helps, and I'm intending for it to reach those who need it, who are meant to have it, and will use it wisely, and not use it to hurt others.

Ingo Swann's book is called "Everybody's guide to Natural ESP unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind". He is considered the "father" of modern-day Remote Viewing, and developed the systems that the US government has used to "know stuff".

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The Ball of Yarn Creation Model
Came from my inner knowing, as far as I can remember, this has never been "taught" to me. Especially the part about the "grooves"....

#messages, #lies, #fake, #false, #falseperson, #clone, #creation, #creationmodel, #conciousness, #concious, #subconciousmind, #subconciousness, #subconcious, #model, #ball, #yarn, #connections, #divine, #divinefeminine, #divinemale, #twin, #soul, #soul, #ESP, #estrasensory, #perception, #channel, #channeling, #message, #knowledge, #advancedknowledge, #penetrate, #penetration, #expansion, #expanded, #ascension, #ascension, #astrology, #ascendedmaster, #master, #christconciousness, #tarot, #pendulum, #sun, #simulation, #plasma, #doppleganger, #sol, #aircraft, #simulated #fakesun, #solfalso, #tarot, #pendulum, #truth, #truthteller, #creation, #creator, #twinflame, #divine, #soul, #union, #divineunion, #divinemasuline, #dowse, #douse, #dousing, #dowsing, #simulation, #simulate, #simulationtheory, #sun, #simulation, #plasma, #doppleganger, #sol, #aircraft, #simulated #fakesun, #solfalso

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