Why Pluto Is Not a Planet Anymore???

10 months ago

In this video, we will explore the reasons why Pluto was demoted from planet to dwarf planet in 2006. We will discuss the three criteria that the International Astronomical Union (IAU) uses to define a planet, and why Pluto does not meet all of them. We will also look at some of the arguments for and against Pluto's planethood.

The three criteria that the IAU uses to define a planet are:

It must be in orbit around the Sun.
It must be massive enough for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape.
It must have cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.
Pluto meets the first two criteria, but it does not meet the third criterion. Pluto shares its orbit with many other objects, such as the Kuiper Belt Objects. This means that Pluto has not cleared its neighborhood of other objects, as a planet is supposed to do.

There are many arguments for and against Pluto's planethood. Some people believe that Pluto should be considered a planet because it is large enough, round, and orbits the Sun. Others believe that Pluto should not be considered a planet because it shares its orbit with other objects.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not Pluto is a planet is a matter of definition. The IAU has decided that Pluto does not meet its definition of a planet, but there are many people who disagree with this decision.

In this video, we will explore all of these arguments and come to our own conclusion about whether or not Pluto is a planet. We will also look at the future of Pluto, and what it means for the definition of a planet.

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