Fairfield County Commissioners | Full Meeting | August 15, 2023

1 year ago

The full meeting of the Fairfield County Commissioners' weekly meeting for August 15, 2023. This week's meeting began with a Listen & Learn with Fairfield County Job & Family Services. The presenters were Corey Clark, Director, Sarah Fortner, Protective Services Deputy Director and Krista Humphries, Community Services Deputy Director. After this presentation, the meeting was followed by Public Comments and then County Administrative Update.

Public Comments begin at (47:30) through (1:06:15): Ray Stemen spoke about the negative effects the current leadership of the teacher's unions are having on the education system, the increasing threats of the Chinese military and concluded with a call to prayer.

Frank Anderson had questions and comments about the land use plan, also known as Fairfield County Comprehensive Plan. See link to plan at: https://www.fairfield33.com/pdf/FC-Open-House-Boards-08.2023.pdf

Sherry Pymer brought up that the various solar projects need to be addressed within the Comprehensive Plan.

Judy Stemen commented on the threat corporations are having on the proper representative governance of counties and communities along with criticisms of the sound & microphone system the commissioners use in that it is many times hard to hear the commissioners and other speakers.

Lastly, Connie Spillman had concerns about the transparency and public notification of the Comprehensive Plan.

Agenda Links:


This is a recording off a public access Microsoft TEAMS Meeting. This will be an on-going series whenever possible to capture the regular meetings.

More information about the County Commissioners' meetings can be found at https://www.co.fairfield.oh.us/COMMISH/. We also encourage more online and most importantly, in-person participation. The meetings occur most Tuesday mornings at 9:00a at 210 E. Main Street, Third Floor, Lancaster, OH 43130.

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