How to Make the Perfect Scotch Egg | Wild Garlic scotch Eggs | Wildlife | Vlog

10 months ago

Scotch eggs are a perfect way to incorporate wild garlic, you can get creative with what you add to your sausage mix but let the wild garlic be the dominant flavour and you won't regret it.

Eggs (extra for coating)
Sausage meat
wild garlic
Oil (I used duck fat but any oil that can handle high heat will do)
Bread crumbs

Boil your eggs for 7 minutes (8 min for hard boiled) then add to cold water to stop them cooking. Chop the wild garlic and add to the sausage meat, you can add what you like at this stage... get creative. Cut some clingfilm and lightly oil the surface, flatten out your sausage meat, add the peeled egg and make sure it's completely incased in the meat. Coat in beaten egg and then breadcrumbs and repeat for an extra crunch. Heat your oil until a cube of bread turns golden brown in 1 minute and then add your eggs and cook for 6 minutes until they also turn a nice golden brown. Place on kitchen roll or a wire rack to cool slightley and then serve. These will keep in the fridge for a couple of days and make great picnic food. ENJOY!

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