10 months ago

9 Habits to become highly Stoic:

1. Practice Virtue: Live virtuously by embracing wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance.
2. Focus on What You Can Control: Direct your energy toward what you can control, letting go of the rest.
3. Accept the Nature of Things: Embrace change and impermanence as part of life's flow.
4. Value Inner Peace: Prioritize tranquility by releasing unnecessary desires and attachments.
5. Turn Obstacles to Opportunities: View challenges as chances to grow and learn.
6. Live in Accordance with Reason: Make decisions based on reason, not fleeting feelings.
7. Practice Gratitude: Regularly reflect on what you have and appreciate the present moment.
8. Reflect on Your Mind: Regularly introspect for self-growth and self-awareness.
9. Memento Mori: Remember your mortality and use it as a reminder to live a meaningful life.

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