~ The science of dreaming

10 months ago

We often wonder why things work out for some and not for others and there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to it. If it were based solely on morality or karma we wouldn't see worthy people lose and manipulators prosper. It might feel unkind to think of experiences being based of like-vibration or attraction but the math does tend to add up even when we wish it didn't. To help with my understanding of this, I tend to lean to the understanding prescribed by Abraham Hicks which says that we have two seasons of life; pre-awareness and post-awareness of the ability to create our own lives using the science of vibration. Before we are aware, it is my personal understanding that we can suffer a lot from previous karma, much of which we have pre-elected before birth to take on to clear up intergenerational trauma in our bloodlines. But at a certain point in our healing we can begin to open the door to leave behind the life we've survived to step in to the life we will thrive in, if we can trust ourselves enough to return to our dreaming hearts and heal ourselves enough to be able listen to our emotions once more and follow the path of our dreaming once again.

Using simple techniques to reset our nervous system such as meditation, movement, nature-bathing and self-care, we can discover our emotional life as the ultimate resource for allowing a dreamed experience; leaning in the direction of more elevated feelings where possible and adopt practices to self-soothe when we are troubled to engineer our vibrations to manifest the more higher vibrational reality we not only deserve but the one we actually came to live.

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