Question in Parliament on SA Health Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Policy

1 year ago

On the June 28th 2023, I asked the Government the following questions:

1. As of today's date, how many SA Health healthcare workers are on leave with pay while disputing the legality of workplace COVID-19 vaccine mandates?

2. How much in total per fortnight is the Government paying unvaccinated SA Healthcare workers to stay at home while the legality of the workplace COVID-19 vaccine mandates is being disputed?

3. Why would the Government rather spend this money paying for healthy healthcare workers to stay at home when they could instead put those workers back to work, especially as we have a worker shortage at a crisis level, the COVID-19 vaccines have been proven not to stop transmission, and the workers can take daily RAT tests and wear full personal protective equipment?

4. What does the Government consider more of a public health risk; either highly qualified, experienced, and healthy unvaccinated workers allowed back to work; or the current crisis levels of ramping and understaffing?

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